Men can only be equal on the Day we are all Equal,

"the truth is not always Beautiful, nor beautiful Words the truth"

Lao Tzu

“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.”

Albert Pine

Monday, December 6, 2010

the hardest day of my homeless life

people have often asked Me why do you have dogs wouldn't it be easier if you got rid of them,In truth I know for me It will not be I have always said I have the dogs because I get Love nowhere else and they are loving no matter what as it has gotten colder and i am in a part of the country where It is impossible to find shelter,and a man like me has nowhere to turn i have this day decided to relinquish my dogs to a no kill shelter where they can find a home that i could not provide for them,I am doing it because anything else would be selfish of me. I love them more than almost anything on earth.and will mourn them as if a loved one has died.They are the family I do not have the friend I long for in my daily grind and I want them to be happy and they are above all deserving of what i can not give.So no i do not think it will be an easier life for me but i am sure it will for them. To all my friends Pray for me all I've done in this life this is by far the hardest.


  1. Sending love and prayers.

  2. You are a wise and brave man, Joseph. Love and prayers to you.


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