This Homeless Life, Most People would Never Understand It Never Having Lived It. Hell There are those Who have Lived It and still yet don’t understand it. One Thing is for sure The longer You are Homeless The Less Likely You are to ever adapt to any Life Other than this. Are there struggles,Yes! are there trials,Yes! But To Wake Up and Be In Love with Life itself No Matter where It Has Brought You that Day. Is Unexplainable, Even Harder To explain, Is How It Is Not A Physical Fleshly Life That You Are in Love With.
In The Fleshly Person You Cry out Of Injustice And Oppression, Inequality And Tyranny You cry Out to the creator Of His Heavy Hand Upon You, And Those You care About And Love And Those Suffering More than You can Imagine.
But rather The Love Of The Life That Is in You, Because While You Cry Out You realize That You are eternal Spirit and Separate From The Flesh, You Go On And The World And all That is In it! You Leave Behind. And In that Thought Alone You Find Peace And a refuge, Your suffering No Longer matters What Matters then Is The suffering Of others, And your ability To free them From It.
Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?
For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.
And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.
Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
Jesus That’s What I am Talking About, It Is All Finished Get To the Business Of Loving Everyone, Do that and Let the World Go On By itself And He will Pour Out His storehouse Upon You. In His Storehouse are things of the Spirit And not of the World So If you are Being Reigned Upon The Blessings Of this World. Your treasures are not from The Lord’s Storehouse They are what is distracting you, From Love Or Him From Whom All Blessings Flow.I will Love Because After I laid My iniquities Upon Him, Love was all That Was left.
Men can only be equal on the Day we are all Equal,
"the truth is not always Beautiful, nor beautiful Words the truth"
Lao Tzu
Lao Tzu
“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.”
Albert Pine
Friday, November 16, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Things Change As Do I
I have Made A decision That Many May think Me Mad To Have Made, For Many reasons The Biggest Being I need To find My inner Peace and My voice which I have Lost in the Past year. As Many Of you Know A year ago I made the decision To Move inside and take a Job that would afford me an opportunity to Change This Homeless Life.
I had many years ago went through the windshield of a car and Broken The vertebras in My neck rupturing two disk. since Taking the Job and moving inside I further aggravated the condition that had plagued Me for years and was forced To apply for social security. As The Dr’s and Pain clinic have recommended That I no Longer work and they have to date not released me to Go to work. And found what I have known for some time that I am physically Disabled. After fighting social security for six months I have been denied social security and had to appeal the decision I now Must wait for 18months for a hearing!
So Change Once again Has Come to this Homeless Life and I have decided I am going Back to what I call Home the Great Outdoors Of Oregon! Not because I no Longer Have a Place to stay Or because I have Not been Blessed By the People Who Have taken Me in. Because I truly Have But To regain The Inner Peace that I knew so Well and the comfort of a life where My daily needs Are Met By the Creator of Us all and My blessings are Measured In simpler Terms.
I had many years ago went through the windshield of a car and Broken The vertebras in My neck rupturing two disk. since Taking the Job and moving inside I further aggravated the condition that had plagued Me for years and was forced To apply for social security. As The Dr’s and Pain clinic have recommended That I no Longer work and they have to date not released me to Go to work. And found what I have known for some time that I am physically Disabled. After fighting social security for six months I have been denied social security and had to appeal the decision I now Must wait for 18months for a hearing!
So Change Once again Has Come to this Homeless Life and I have decided I am going Back to what I call Home the Great Outdoors Of Oregon! Not because I no Longer Have a Place to stay Or because I have Not been Blessed By the People Who Have taken Me in. Because I truly Have But To regain The Inner Peace that I knew so Well and the comfort of a life where My daily needs Are Met By the Creator of Us all and My blessings are Measured In simpler Terms.
Friday, July 6, 2012
And You thought I had Finally Shut Up!
I have For some time remained Silent as I watched others Often Those who Were staunch Critics Continue On. Doing what they have done for Decades and That is Profiting from Homelessness.This statement in itself is why I have often come under fire for sharing with others what I know to be true.
I say there are Many people in the Homeless Help industry who do Just that,and they all profit in a wide variety of ways, Some do so with excessive salaries their Homeless services Organizations paying them and Others in their Organization Six Digit incomes, Others Do so By allowing the service Organization to Pay all of their Living expense Right down to Their Rent and Insurance, Then there are those who spend the vast amount of their time Going from Conference To Conference while the Organization they work for or have created pays for all of their travel expenses there Lavish Living In expensive Motels And there Dining in 3-5 star restaurants.
I am Only writing this today Because Of a conversation that was Had, By A Young woman who I have come to call a friend And one who I believe is willing to defend someone in whom they have never really looked at their motives but rallied to their side simply because they Claimed to be advocating for homelessness. However I believe people are very aware of the truth in what I am about to say, the Homeless are being advocated to Death, (Literally)
In that conversation The statement was made that You are not an authority on Homelessness Nor is anyone! This rekindled In me a fire that I felt that I had Lost Because Like it or Not After 20+ years of Homelessness I am somewhat of an authority. It is Or has been My blatant Honesty and or My lack of fear in Naming these Profiteers of Homelessness, That has often found me under attack and has at times subjected me too Down right Hateful rants by the supporters of those I have exposed, I do not blame the defenders of these Organizations in most cases because When it comes to Homelessness there are many people who truly want to effect change and cling to anyone and any Program That claims to be able to solve the Problem. and Believe That there is no way people would ever try to Profit from the misfortune of their fellow Man.
This however Is not The reality Of what is Happening in the Homeless services Industry, Almost 2 years ago a few Month’s into a campaign in this country which was geared towards helping eradicate homelessness in three years by helping those most vulnerable in the Homeless population in America, I myself found Conflict with this Program, first and foremost being geared towards helping only a small percentage of the Homeless population it secluded the rest of us. And secondly It was a Reboot of The 10 year plan to end Homelessness, which was a miserable Failure. Thanks to the ease of access to social Media I became a harsh critic of this program and any help services agency that supported it. Since that time I have been ostracized I have been personally attacked Via social Media,and I have been banned from commenting in many major media Publications and a great deal of industry web sites blogs and conversational forums. in essence I have by the Homeless services industry been moderated into non existence.
I however have never changed My stance 100k homes is and has always been a failure in it’s very concept, and any agency that supports it in no way has the Homeless men women and children of this countries best interest at Heart. I have never been taken to task by Becky Kanis, Roseanne Hagerty, Michael Shore,Jake Maguire, Joel John Roberts, Naeh, Path Partners Path Achieve Pathways to Housing Common Grounds Or any other Supporter Or Supportive Agency Of the 100k Homes Campaign. Save One. And His only response to me has always been we have to Change this system from the inside we need to all just get along, I wonder if he even realizes that being on the inside means you are a part of the failed system.
2yrs ago I revealed that this Program had been tried and failed under Common Grounds 10yr Plan to end Homelessness and it would fail again Everyone Refused To listen then An are often today found with there head still in the sand, this program claimed to be the next best chance for the homeless and would house 100,000 homeless people in three years! at that time I told everyone this would never happen it would simply consume the funding needed to effect real change It to date Has Housed only 17,300 hundred people and it is 2 years into the campaign, and needs to extend the program for two more years to consume more funds!
I proclaimed This would Be the end result, Does that Mean I am Some kind of prophet No But despite Popular belief I am somewhat an authority on Homelessness. There is an estimated $68,000 annually allocated per homeless person in this country. and the next year there are still homeless men women and children. I have a Limited education and I have claimed and stand by the claim You give me 2/3 of that One time not year after year and for every allocation of that sum $47,000 and I can Move a homeless Person from the streets of this country into a sustainable housing environment. (A Home Of their Own)
And then the Only obstacle with which we would then be faced is to have housing recognized as a Human Right! But I have No Faith That this will ever Happen The Only Faith I have Is In Yesh’ua The King of Kings And Him returning Before we ever stop pouring Money Into the proven Failure that this industry has afforded Us So far. And Until He does I have Faith That There are those that will continue to profit from Homelessness!
I say there are Many people in the Homeless Help industry who do Just that,and they all profit in a wide variety of ways, Some do so with excessive salaries their Homeless services Organizations paying them and Others in their Organization Six Digit incomes, Others Do so By allowing the service Organization to Pay all of their Living expense Right down to Their Rent and Insurance, Then there are those who spend the vast amount of their time Going from Conference To Conference while the Organization they work for or have created pays for all of their travel expenses there Lavish Living In expensive Motels And there Dining in 3-5 star restaurants.
I am Only writing this today Because Of a conversation that was Had, By A Young woman who I have come to call a friend And one who I believe is willing to defend someone in whom they have never really looked at their motives but rallied to their side simply because they Claimed to be advocating for homelessness. However I believe people are very aware of the truth in what I am about to say, the Homeless are being advocated to Death, (Literally)
In that conversation The statement was made that You are not an authority on Homelessness Nor is anyone! This rekindled In me a fire that I felt that I had Lost Because Like it or Not After 20+ years of Homelessness I am somewhat of an authority. It is Or has been My blatant Honesty and or My lack of fear in Naming these Profiteers of Homelessness, That has often found me under attack and has at times subjected me too Down right Hateful rants by the supporters of those I have exposed, I do not blame the defenders of these Organizations in most cases because When it comes to Homelessness there are many people who truly want to effect change and cling to anyone and any Program That claims to be able to solve the Problem. and Believe That there is no way people would ever try to Profit from the misfortune of their fellow Man.
This however Is not The reality Of what is Happening in the Homeless services Industry, Almost 2 years ago a few Month’s into a campaign in this country which was geared towards helping eradicate homelessness in three years by helping those most vulnerable in the Homeless population in America, I myself found Conflict with this Program, first and foremost being geared towards helping only a small percentage of the Homeless population it secluded the rest of us. And secondly It was a Reboot of The 10 year plan to end Homelessness, which was a miserable Failure. Thanks to the ease of access to social Media I became a harsh critic of this program and any help services agency that supported it. Since that time I have been ostracized I have been personally attacked Via social Media,and I have been banned from commenting in many major media Publications and a great deal of industry web sites blogs and conversational forums. in essence I have by the Homeless services industry been moderated into non existence.
I however have never changed My stance 100k homes is and has always been a failure in it’s very concept, and any agency that supports it in no way has the Homeless men women and children of this countries best interest at Heart. I have never been taken to task by Becky Kanis, Roseanne Hagerty, Michael Shore,Jake Maguire, Joel John Roberts, Naeh, Path Partners Path Achieve Pathways to Housing Common Grounds Or any other Supporter Or Supportive Agency Of the 100k Homes Campaign. Save One. And His only response to me has always been we have to Change this system from the inside we need to all just get along, I wonder if he even realizes that being on the inside means you are a part of the failed system.
2yrs ago I revealed that this Program had been tried and failed under Common Grounds 10yr Plan to end Homelessness and it would fail again Everyone Refused To listen then An are often today found with there head still in the sand, this program claimed to be the next best chance for the homeless and would house 100,000 homeless people in three years! at that time I told everyone this would never happen it would simply consume the funding needed to effect real change It to date Has Housed only 17,300 hundred people and it is 2 years into the campaign, and needs to extend the program for two more years to consume more funds!
I proclaimed This would Be the end result, Does that Mean I am Some kind of prophet No But despite Popular belief I am somewhat an authority on Homelessness. There is an estimated $68,000 annually allocated per homeless person in this country. and the next year there are still homeless men women and children. I have a Limited education and I have claimed and stand by the claim You give me 2/3 of that One time not year after year and for every allocation of that sum $47,000 and I can Move a homeless Person from the streets of this country into a sustainable housing environment. (A Home Of their Own)
And then the Only obstacle with which we would then be faced is to have housing recognized as a Human Right! But I have No Faith That this will ever Happen The Only Faith I have Is In Yesh’ua The King of Kings And Him returning Before we ever stop pouring Money Into the proven Failure that this industry has afforded Us So far. And Until He does I have Faith That There are those that will continue to profit from Homelessness!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
The Chief Of Sinners !
In approximately 40-48AD The apostle Paul Laid Claim In His letter to Timothy While in Macedonia, The following.
This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.
And Maybe The Claim Was Made rightfully So, Having Held The Cloaks Of Romans while They Had stoned Christians, In His Crusade to Wipe Christianity from the face of the Earth, He himself feeling as If he was Himself above picking up stones to throw,saying to His fellow Romans Here Let Me hold Your Cloak!
What I Have come to learn In My life is that Paul was surely unaware of at the Time of His letter to Timothy is That Approximately 1920 years later In a Small town In central Ohio A Baby would be born who would be able to Steal from Him His title as Chief of sinners and They would Name Me Joseph.
I learned From Paul Many things, The Most important Being, The Above Stated That Christ Came Into The world To save sinners. And
Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting.
I Know That With Me God Has Daily Had to Be Longsuffering, I Now Live In His Mercy And His Grace. I am Daily weak And He sustains Me in His Strength, I Daily falter and He keeps Me from Falling, I cry Out Jesus Is Lord And He is. He having Been Crucified And Conquering Death was Risen And ascended Unto The Right Hand Of Father, He left Me with A Comforter The Holy Spirit.
If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
I simply Proclaim Ye’shua As Lord And In His Mercy El’oHim Has Gifted Me with The Ruach Ha-kodesh when I asked Him For this Gift. It has Made My walk and My relationship Easier In that I now Have this Personal Connection With Father That serves as a Guide stone and Enables me to more clearly see The still yet incomplete work that God is doing in My life, It Is His desire To have Me walk daily Free from The Burdon Of Sin Not Just in My redemption through Christ But In My repentant Heart, I am Not there Completely Yet But I am Able to daily See the things within Me that would separate me from God, And It Makes Ones Prayer for themselves so Much easier
He must increase, but I must decrease.
It is my Hope that One Day I Might Wake up and I will Have Just Vanished And He will be all That is Left !
This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.
And Maybe The Claim Was Made rightfully So, Having Held The Cloaks Of Romans while They Had stoned Christians, In His Crusade to Wipe Christianity from the face of the Earth, He himself feeling as If he was Himself above picking up stones to throw,saying to His fellow Romans Here Let Me hold Your Cloak!
What I Have come to learn In My life is that Paul was surely unaware of at the Time of His letter to Timothy is That Approximately 1920 years later In a Small town In central Ohio A Baby would be born who would be able to Steal from Him His title as Chief of sinners and They would Name Me Joseph.
I learned From Paul Many things, The Most important Being, The Above Stated That Christ Came Into The world To save sinners. And
Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting.
I Know That With Me God Has Daily Had to Be Longsuffering, I Now Live In His Mercy And His Grace. I am Daily weak And He sustains Me in His Strength, I Daily falter and He keeps Me from Falling, I cry Out Jesus Is Lord And He is. He having Been Crucified And Conquering Death was Risen And ascended Unto The Right Hand Of Father, He left Me with A Comforter The Holy Spirit.
If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
I simply Proclaim Ye’shua As Lord And In His Mercy El’oHim Has Gifted Me with The Ruach Ha-kodesh when I asked Him For this Gift. It has Made My walk and My relationship Easier In that I now Have this Personal Connection With Father That serves as a Guide stone and Enables me to more clearly see The still yet incomplete work that God is doing in My life, It Is His desire To have Me walk daily Free from The Burdon Of Sin Not Just in My redemption through Christ But In My repentant Heart, I am Not there Completely Yet But I am Able to daily See the things within Me that would separate me from God, And It Makes Ones Prayer for themselves so Much easier
He must increase, but I must decrease.
It is my Hope that One Day I Might Wake up and I will Have Just Vanished And He will be all That is Left !
Friday, June 1, 2012
Social Media And The Lack Of Open Discourse!
Today We live in a society Where Man is in touch With People around the Globe Instantaneously. People from every walk of life every culture and every country have available to them The newfound tool of social Media.
Social Media at a Glance Is a fabulous tool and is Praised as being available to all we the citizens of the earth can Come into the social Media Arena and engage in Open debate with our fellow Man or so It is said, However in all of the Platforms we have there is still The obstacle of Moderation within The Media Outlets serving us That are No different Than the Media which Come before them. Msn, Msnbc, fox, CBS,ABC,CNN, Differ In no way, from The Social Media community.
The reason For this is That Here in this Internet world where we are connected by WiFi, And various other Internet connections, the Simplest Of People can access Media as easily as the most complex. However Those with Apposing views to that Of the Main stream View Are most often Moderated Into Nonexistence.
Speaking from Personal Experience, Main Stream Publications That Offer Platforms for open Debate on a wide range Of subject’s Such As The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times,The Huffington Post, The Boston Globe and others. Have often when Presenting an apposing view to articles written on the subject Of Homelessness and The Homeless service Industry, Reject any criticism of Main stream Thought So One has to ask themselves Is Social Media For All, Or at least I often Ask that Myself.
I Come to Believe Myself That There Is No Ethics In Journalism Be It Main stream Media Or Social Media. Because No Matter The Mannerism Or Eloquence Of speech Or Respect One Might Have In responding to Any Post If It Is diverse From that Of the Author Or publication It will Be moderated Into Oblivion. This Is Not Open Debate This Is Censorship At It’s Finest.
That is Why The Blog Has become a tool For The Voice of diversity. People don’t want to Be moderated in their Views everyone on this planet wants to be heard. If You don’t Believe That. Why Has This Happened?
Social Media at a Glance Is a fabulous tool and is Praised as being available to all we the citizens of the earth can Come into the social Media Arena and engage in Open debate with our fellow Man or so It is said, However in all of the Platforms we have there is still The obstacle of Moderation within The Media Outlets serving us That are No different Than the Media which Come before them. Msn, Msnbc, fox, CBS,ABC,CNN, Differ In no way, from The Social Media community.
The reason For this is That Here in this Internet world where we are connected by WiFi, And various other Internet connections, the Simplest Of People can access Media as easily as the most complex. However Those with Apposing views to that Of the Main stream View Are most often Moderated Into Nonexistence.
Speaking from Personal Experience, Main Stream Publications That Offer Platforms for open Debate on a wide range Of subject’s Such As The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times,The Huffington Post, The Boston Globe and others. Have often when Presenting an apposing view to articles written on the subject Of Homelessness and The Homeless service Industry, Reject any criticism of Main stream Thought So One has to ask themselves Is Social Media For All, Or at least I often Ask that Myself.
I Come to Believe Myself That There Is No Ethics In Journalism Be It Main stream Media Or Social Media. Because No Matter The Mannerism Or Eloquence Of speech Or Respect One Might Have In responding to Any Post If It Is diverse From that Of the Author Or publication It will Be moderated Into Oblivion. This Is Not Open Debate This Is Censorship At It’s Finest.
That is Why The Blog Has become a tool For The Voice of diversity. People don’t want to Be moderated in their Views everyone on this planet wants to be heard. If You don’t Believe That. Why Has This Happened?
Why Because People Truly Want Open Discourse as A whole And were not getting it!
And We Are as a society Rapidly Losing our reasoning skills Because of It.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Yes I Still Care About the Homeless!!!
Yes I do still Love My friends and Family, No I haven't quit caring about Homelessness and I have not stopped Blogging and tweeting, Here is how I spend My day. Notice the Rip-it So I can get in at least an Hour Or two Of life Before this crap knocks me out. And if I am Lucky My friend Greg Staffa takes me with Him On a Drive for another Hour or two Of some kind of quality Of Life
I am Now getting scared of Going to the Dr Again Because every time I do He says Here take another Pill Or Take More of these. and I now spend more time at the pharmacy Than I do Going to the store for food!
So No I didn't give up on the Homeless Because I am Now Living inside, But after 20yrs on the street, I am Not the model Of health That I thought I was, 20yrs on the streets yes almost did me in. I think God Brought Me Inside Because He knew I wasn’t going to survive to many More winters Outside.
,
The Hardest Thing for Me to Fathom In all of this Is in Compare To some of my Homeless Friends I was The Go to dude as Far as Health I Ate Salads And Chicken as compared to Greasy Burgers I Didn’t drink, always Put something down for me to lay on rather than the ground.So as not to suffer from Pleurisy and Fished and Hunted For food so I ate well Most of the year. But when I went Years without Health Care I am now proof That Crap Doesn’t work.
I caught Myself The Other day Complaining Because I now Have health Care and they want to send me over a hundred miles in One direction To see A pain specialist when there is on 40 miles down the road, What an idiot Am I A year Ago I didn’t have that Blessing I suffered In silence. God Is Good To Me, and Is Now I think Just Fixing things For Me because My fight For the Homeless Has Just Begun He has Brought Me to Realize I wasn’t able to Help the Homeless as well as I could Because I needed Help Myself! So If You Doubt Me Don’t.
I still Believe A 50yr old Homeless Veteran Like Myself Or any other Homeless Person Can Only Get in this Shape Because Of a mis-allocation Of funds Entrusted To Those who claim To Be helping. Need I go through The List Again?
Much Love to All The Supporters Of Myself and This Blog The Naysayers and Those who wish I would Just Shut Up and Go away. Not A Chance I live By Promise And This I have In Him!!!!
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
May It Rest Upon You All Also!
I am Now getting scared of Going to the Dr Again Because every time I do He says Here take another Pill Or Take More of these. and I now spend more time at the pharmacy Than I do Going to the store for food!
So No I didn't give up on the Homeless Because I am Now Living inside, But after 20yrs on the street, I am Not the model Of health That I thought I was, 20yrs on the streets yes almost did me in. I think God Brought Me Inside Because He knew I wasn’t going to survive to many More winters Outside.
The Hardest Thing for Me to Fathom In all of this Is in Compare To some of my Homeless Friends I was The Go to dude as Far as Health I Ate Salads And Chicken as compared to Greasy Burgers I Didn’t drink, always Put something down for me to lay on rather than the ground.So as not to suffer from Pleurisy and Fished and Hunted For food so I ate well Most of the year. But when I went Years without Health Care I am now proof That Crap Doesn’t work.
I caught Myself The Other day Complaining Because I now Have health Care and they want to send me over a hundred miles in One direction To see A pain specialist when there is on 40 miles down the road, What an idiot Am I A year Ago I didn’t have that Blessing I suffered In silence. God Is Good To Me, and Is Now I think Just Fixing things For Me because My fight For the Homeless Has Just Begun He has Brought Me to Realize I wasn’t able to Help the Homeless as well as I could Because I needed Help Myself! So If You Doubt Me Don’t.
I still Believe A 50yr old Homeless Veteran Like Myself Or any other Homeless Person Can Only Get in this Shape Because Of a mis-allocation Of funds Entrusted To Those who claim To Be helping. Need I go through The List Again?
Much Love to All The Supporters Of Myself and This Blog The Naysayers and Those who wish I would Just Shut Up and Go away. Not A Chance I live By Promise And This I have In Him!!!!
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
May It Rest Upon You All Also!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Just Knowing Will Never Effect Change !
I was Asked How Is it You believe That You Know the difference Between a good Homeless services Agency and A Bad One Joseph?
I was Hesitant at first to reply, and I replied In Kind, Facing A question with a Question, Why Would You Ask Me That? you refuse To speak To Me In Public You have Me Blocked On Twitter And You removed yourself from My Facebook account!
I also Explained That answering That was almost Like giving Ammo To someone who keeps Shooting at you. However I feel That Everyone Is entitled To answers To their Questions.
It was almost Comical To Me because I had a conversation just a few days Back with someone as To why I felt Like Faith Based Homeless services Should Like any other Organization Be able to Exclude People who Do Not Meet their requirements. And If those Requirements Be That You Attend A Short Service Before Dinner and A bed Or observe A moment of silence While they Pray than It is as A privately Funded Service Organization Their Choice. That Flies In the Face Of Many But It is Or Has Been A fact For some Number Of Years That Faith Based Programs That Have A requirement Of Attending Any Service Based On that Faith Are Excluded From Federal Funding and Cannot within Any of their Services Requiring It, Partake Of community Development Block Grants. So why Should They Not Have That freedom Of Choice?
I do However Believe That There are Organizations That Are Out there That Are Good And Bad Both Secular And Faith Based. The Way To Tell The difference Is To Me relatively Simple, One Could Either Live On the streets For decades and Try to Get Them To Help You Or You could Look at what They Say about themselves.
Answer This Question? Do Homeless Service Organizations House People? In Short NO! There are many that will tell you they Do, Fact is It Is the Dept of Housing and Urban Development, and The section 8 Vouchering system that Houses the Overwhelming Majority Of Homeless In this Country. The Ones Claiming, We Housed I housed, I house, We House, Are in essence Deceiving People. Most Homeless services Agencies If you Look at their Charters and Guidelines Are simply Referral Agencies. They Refer Homeless To State and federal Agencies That Are already available For the Homeless. The Referral Agencies have received Funding In most cases To Help Homeless Individuals Through The Painstaking Application Process. In doing so They are as deceptive as The Counter man at McDonalds if Asking Him What He does For a Living He replies I feed The Hungry! These Are Bad Agencies and Cost ineffective.
Then There are Good agencies and They Do Not Claim We do This Or that They tell you right Up front I am Sorry we are simply a referral Agency. and They do Not Look for Praise. They more often than Not Share with People How they Were blessed To have assisted someone In meeting the right People to Get into Housing, and The generally Talk about How It was a Humbling experience, And They Were Grateful To have Helped.
But the True separation Is the former feel the Homeless Are Lucky To have them to Help, while the Latter feel as If they Were Lucky to have Been able to Help. Look the Only Point I am Trying to Make is that, Bad Homeless services Agencies Are sucking the Life out of the Homeless and The good ones are struggling to survive Just like the Homeless themselves. Only the Good Ones Aren’t Begging For funding, And The Bad ones will tell you Your better off to Give to Us Than too the Homeless themselves!
What I find Even More Comical Is this After writing About This For Well over a year Now, People Still Just Blindly Follow And Praise These Organizations That Have Failed Us For so Long Believing That They Must be doing Good They say So in their Pamphlets, and their News Letter. Why I even seen Them Tweet How Much Good They Do So It Must Be True. And People never Bother Too actually Find Out what they do and where their Funding Goes.
The Only Up side Is, That I have also Watched Over the Last year as Some people Have woke Up and Began To question Organizational Failure.
However Knowing It will Never effect Change If in than Knowing You remain Silent!
I was Hesitant at first to reply, and I replied In Kind, Facing A question with a Question, Why Would You Ask Me That? you refuse To speak To Me In Public You have Me Blocked On Twitter And You removed yourself from My Facebook account!
I also Explained That answering That was almost Like giving Ammo To someone who keeps Shooting at you. However I feel That Everyone Is entitled To answers To their Questions.
It was almost Comical To Me because I had a conversation just a few days Back with someone as To why I felt Like Faith Based Homeless services Should Like any other Organization Be able to Exclude People who Do Not Meet their requirements. And If those Requirements Be That You Attend A Short Service Before Dinner and A bed Or observe A moment of silence While they Pray than It is as A privately Funded Service Organization Their Choice. That Flies In the Face Of Many But It is Or Has Been A fact For some Number Of Years That Faith Based Programs That Have A requirement Of Attending Any Service Based On that Faith Are Excluded From Federal Funding and Cannot within Any of their Services Requiring It, Partake Of community Development Block Grants. So why Should They Not Have That freedom Of Choice?
I do However Believe That There are Organizations That Are Out there That Are Good And Bad Both Secular And Faith Based. The Way To Tell The difference Is To Me relatively Simple, One Could Either Live On the streets For decades and Try to Get Them To Help You Or You could Look at what They Say about themselves.
Answer This Question? Do Homeless Service Organizations House People? In Short NO! There are many that will tell you they Do, Fact is It Is the Dept of Housing and Urban Development, and The section 8 Vouchering system that Houses the Overwhelming Majority Of Homeless In this Country. The Ones Claiming, We Housed I housed, I house, We House, Are in essence Deceiving People. Most Homeless services Agencies If you Look at their Charters and Guidelines Are simply Referral Agencies. They Refer Homeless To State and federal Agencies That Are already available For the Homeless. The Referral Agencies have received Funding In most cases To Help Homeless Individuals Through The Painstaking Application Process. In doing so They are as deceptive as The Counter man at McDonalds if Asking Him What He does For a Living He replies I feed The Hungry! These Are Bad Agencies and Cost ineffective.
Then There are Good agencies and They Do Not Claim We do This Or that They tell you right Up front I am Sorry we are simply a referral Agency. and They do Not Look for Praise. They more often than Not Share with People How they Were blessed To have assisted someone In meeting the right People to Get into Housing, and The generally Talk about How It was a Humbling experience, And They Were Grateful To have Helped.
But the True separation Is the former feel the Homeless Are Lucky To have them to Help, while the Latter feel as If they Were Lucky to have Been able to Help. Look the Only Point I am Trying to Make is that, Bad Homeless services Agencies Are sucking the Life out of the Homeless and The good ones are struggling to survive Just like the Homeless themselves. Only the Good Ones Aren’t Begging For funding, And The Bad ones will tell you Your better off to Give to Us Than too the Homeless themselves!
What I find Even More Comical Is this After writing About This For Well over a year Now, People Still Just Blindly Follow And Praise These Organizations That Have Failed Us For so Long Believing That They Must be doing Good They say So in their Pamphlets, and their News Letter. Why I even seen Them Tweet How Much Good They Do So It Must Be True. And People never Bother Too actually Find Out what they do and where their Funding Goes.
The Only Up side Is, That I have also Watched Over the Last year as Some people Have woke Up and Began To question Organizational Failure.
However Knowing It will Never effect Change If in than Knowing You remain Silent!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Standing On What You Believe
We Today Live In a World Where There is In the Minds Of Most Much Confusion about the World Around them and we often Stand divided even within Ourselves as To where or what we should stand for. For everyone this is a personal Tragedy Or Triumph depending Upon that person And their personal experience.
I can only speak For Myself and This coming from an examination of My beliefs and My personal experience But believe Me when I tell You I by way Of a Post and the Following conversation I had On facebook In this last 24hrs had much soul searching to do and I know that If only true to me I must stand On what I know the Lord has revealed To me as Being True It is Not something I would Debate Or ask that others To Just Blindly Follow But to ask God To reveal To them That truth which Can Only come from Him.
Ok I am Confused One Gives Love And Life And the Other Brings Only Death And Misery, If You Are Using The One That Brings Life For More Than A dust Collector, You would Know The other Comes from A different spirit, One That seeks to separate Mankind, From The Spirit Bound in The Truth Of The Other. I am so sorry For the Lengthy Reply I am Just So confused But I bet If Every American Dusted Of the One and Learned How To use It Daily, We could Move all Of Mankind To Lay Down The Other.
This My Post was Left Shortly After the Shared Post was Left, and immediately,when I seen the Image I knew it was Not Myself But the Spirit Within Me that Cried Out, This Is just so wrong. I believe The confusion That I faced was the turmoil Between offending a friend Or Standing for what I myself truly Believed. I received No response At first and To Myself Early this Morning I thought Boy Now you’ve done It! and I was troubled, However Later I received a response Telling Me I had Made them Think and That I was Right. Little do they Know I was Not In any way right, and Had anguished over opening My big Mouth Again. This Time However I believe Was For The reason, That I was Open to follow that still small voice of the Spirit In which I heeded. I Often In My life Fail At this I know what is Right , And I do what Is right For Joseph And Not What Is right.
But in This I was taught A valuable Lesson and That Being that we as A Church, And By Church I mean Everyone Man Woman And Child That Cries Out Jesus Is Lord, Often fail In Our role Of society Because We often Do not seek the Spirit In matters Of simplicity Or of Grave Importance, And Most often Seek That which Is right for Us.
The Above Image Which Triggered This Post was In it’s Original Form Conceived By I am Sure a Brother Or Sister In Christ Living In the Same Turmoil with Which we all Gods Children Struggle With Everyday. And I ask That they Be blessed. But I ask Of what Strange Spirit was It Conceived, And How were They so easily Deceived, Knowing That It Can and Has Happened as easily To Me.
And To Others I must Point Out That It is Most worldly And appalling to God The Creator And We Deny The Very Spirit Of Christ In the representation Of Him In any Form But That Of Love And self Sacrifice. We Must Cling To That which Is Good And Yes He Even Says Hate And deplore That Which Is Evil And Not to call That Which Is Evil Good, Nor That Which Is Good Evil. So To Compare That Which Gives Life His Word To That which Gives Death A Firearm And Portray Them as Equal In Value Is Not Of God.
Be Thankful Though Church Because These Are the Strong Delusions Of which His Word Warned Us Against And Be Full Of Mercy And Hope because These Things Being accepted as Part of the Norm, He Must Truly Be near.
And I thank Him Mostly For His Mercy And Grace, Because I look Behind Me I have Had Failures Greater Than This, But I do Know It is Not Counted Unto Me Because Christ Jesus Paid The Price.
I can only speak For Myself and This coming from an examination of My beliefs and My personal experience But believe Me when I tell You I by way Of a Post and the Following conversation I had On facebook In this last 24hrs had much soul searching to do and I know that If only true to me I must stand On what I know the Lord has revealed To me as Being True It is Not something I would Debate Or ask that others To Just Blindly Follow But to ask God To reveal To them That truth which Can Only come from Him.
The Above Post was Shared to My Page By someone I have come to enjoy having Our facebook interactions with and am often enlightened and blessed By many of Their Post and Observations. I was Personally effected By this Post and also Deeply Troubled And at that I left the Following reply.
This My Post was Left Shortly After the Shared Post was Left, and immediately,when I seen the Image I knew it was Not Myself But the Spirit Within Me that Cried Out, This Is just so wrong. I believe The confusion That I faced was the turmoil Between offending a friend Or Standing for what I myself truly Believed. I received No response At first and To Myself Early this Morning I thought Boy Now you’ve done It! and I was troubled, However Later I received a response Telling Me I had Made them Think and That I was Right. Little do they Know I was Not In any way right, and Had anguished over opening My big Mouth Again. This Time However I believe Was For The reason, That I was Open to follow that still small voice of the Spirit In which I heeded. I Often In My life Fail At this I know what is Right , And I do what Is right For Joseph And Not What Is right.
But in This I was taught A valuable Lesson and That Being that we as A Church, And By Church I mean Everyone Man Woman And Child That Cries Out Jesus Is Lord, Often fail In Our role Of society Because We often Do not seek the Spirit In matters Of simplicity Or of Grave Importance, And Most often Seek That which Is right for Us.
The Above Image Which Triggered This Post was In it’s Original Form Conceived By I am Sure a Brother Or Sister In Christ Living In the Same Turmoil with Which we all Gods Children Struggle With Everyday. And I ask That they Be blessed. But I ask Of what Strange Spirit was It Conceived, And How were They so easily Deceived, Knowing That It Can and Has Happened as easily To Me.
And To Others I must Point Out That It is Most worldly And appalling to God The Creator And We Deny The Very Spirit Of Christ In the representation Of Him In any Form But That Of Love And self Sacrifice. We Must Cling To That which Is Good And Yes He Even Says Hate And deplore That Which Is Evil And Not to call That Which Is Evil Good, Nor That Which Is Good Evil. So To Compare That Which Gives Life His Word To That which Gives Death A Firearm And Portray Them as Equal In Value Is Not Of God.
Be Thankful Though Church Because These Are the Strong Delusions Of which His Word Warned Us Against And Be Full Of Mercy And Hope because These Things Being accepted as Part of the Norm, He Must Truly Be near.
And I thank Him Mostly For His Mercy And Grace, Because I look Behind Me I have Had Failures Greater Than This, But I do Know It is Not Counted Unto Me Because Christ Jesus Paid The Price.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
A unique Alternative in Combating Poverty
“instead of spending billions building affordable housing lets spend billions building up people to be able to afford housing”
Joseph Wilson
This is How I arrived at this Train Of thought!
What they are not telling you, is this the number of homeless people in America is dropping and not rising. In the minds of most people it is a problem that is increasing with each and every day. However this is not something that is based on fact but rather based on fear.
There is A reason For there Being Not an increase but rather a decrease In The Homeless population, And That Can be contributed To HPRP (Or American Recovery And reinvestment Act) the rapid rehousing Program, In the Height of The economic decline and The recent Hit to the Housing Market And failing banks, Rapid rehousing was instituted so Others who recently Defaulted on their Mortgages didn’t face The inhumanity of becoming Part of America’s Homeless population and were spared this Indignity By this Program by going from Foreclosure To Section 8 homes. In most cases.
Hud Releases 2011 Point in time Count.
This afternoon, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released the results of the January 2011 point-in-time count. According to their report, 636,017 people were homeless in the United States on a single night in January. This represents a 2.1 percent decline from the year before. Earlier this morning, HUD and the Department of Veterans Affairs announced a 12 percent decline in the number of veterans experiencing homelessness. The number of veterans experiencing homelessness decreased from 76,329 homeless veterans to 67,495 homeless veterans between January 2010 and January 2011.
According to press releases, these declines are largely attributed to federal programs providing housing to homeless people and families, including the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program and the HUD-VA Supportive Housing Program.
While Stalling The Increase In the Homeless Population at Large It in No way Fixed the Problem. It did However Keep The Population From Growing. I contend That we no Longer Need affordable Housing and It’s Time Has Long Ago Come and Gone and was from The very Beginning, An Ill Conceived Plan In combating Homelessness and Lets Look at Affordable Housing while asking Ourselves.
1.Is It Affordable? And 2. Is It sustainable?
Affordable Housing In the Minds Of Most people Is as Follows A dwelling That one could afford, while receiving The Federal Minimum wage. Poverty Level Is Deemed as being $10,980 for a single Adult and $3,820 for each additional family Member, This Is The Federal poverty level and varies To a degree from state to state. as does Housing Cost However when Organizations Talk of affordable Housing what They are talking about Is Federally subsidized Housing, those accepting Low income and section 8 vouchering. This Is what I am asking Is federally subsidized Housing affordable? In Short No would Be My answer.
This Because It comes at 2 High A cost and In that, It Eliminates A vast Majority of Homeless and Impoverished Individuals. Because one Must first have an income to qualify For Housing. And Often That income Must exceed federal poverty Levels Or you must Qualify for section 8 subsidies. and the cost to the American Tax payer Is on a national Average $160,000 per unit to build without cost overruns and then it through section 8 vouchering, cost an average of $9,000- $16,000 annually to sustain depending on the size of the family and the part of the country You are in. People often do not understand this and say that is Not right These people are low income and only pay $130 a month for rent or whatever their income requires them to pay. and this is true what They overlook is that the balance of the rent they pay ( Local Market Pricing) What They would Charge the Average Well funded Individual For rent, Is covered By the American Tax payer In the Vouchering Subsidies Programs.
So If you Really Look At it, It Becomes clear That we Can No Longer Afford Affordable Housing. In a country Where Banks and Corporations are given Billions In bail out Money and corporations Disguising Themselves as Public Housing Authorities, Continue To accept Federal subsidies For the same families That the Banks, Foreclosed On who were Once Buying these Vacant Homes All over our Countries. So I said What I did Because I believe It to Be true.
“instead of spending billions building affordable housing lets spend billions building up people to be able to afford housing”
We have enough Vacant Homes In this Country, So To advocate The Building Of More and and Making them affordable Is simply stated Insanity why Don’t We Just spend the Billions allocated To Building More Affordable Housing.To Building Up the Lives Of The Impoverished, UnHoused (Homeless) Marginally Housed. People Struggling to Survive Too A point of Being able to afford the Homes We already Have Being Held Hostage By the Banks And Corporations Who have run this country Into The Ground.
Change Of the System Will Never Happen Until We see That The system Has truly Failed. It’s Not about People Not Having a House Or a Home There Are Empty Homes Everywhere You Look, It’s Just That Some People Can’t Afford To Have One!
So Lets Start Looking at the People aspect, So we don’t continue to Fail, Because Believe It Or Not Housing And Food Are A Basic Human Right.
*Facts and Figures In the Above Post Came from HUD.GOV and HHS.Gov and are From 2011 Reports made available From Jan 2012-March2012.
**These Housing Numbers are accurate and Current and are Often Over inflated By organizations and Individuals For effect some even Stating Homeless #’s as High as 7million at the same time praising themselves for being part of the PIT count. this Post represents accurate Numbers from that point in time count.
Joseph Wilson
This is How I arrived at this Train Of thought!
What they are not telling you, is this the number of homeless people in America is dropping and not rising. In the minds of most people it is a problem that is increasing with each and every day. However this is not something that is based on fact but rather based on fear.
There is A reason For there Being Not an increase but rather a decrease In The Homeless population, And That Can be contributed To HPRP (Or American Recovery And reinvestment Act) the rapid rehousing Program, In the Height of The economic decline and The recent Hit to the Housing Market And failing banks, Rapid rehousing was instituted so Others who recently Defaulted on their Mortgages didn’t face The inhumanity of becoming Part of America’s Homeless population and were spared this Indignity By this Program by going from Foreclosure To Section 8 homes. In most cases.
Hud Releases 2011 Point in time Count.
This afternoon, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released the results of the January 2011 point-in-time count. According to their report, 636,017 people were homeless in the United States on a single night in January. This represents a 2.1 percent decline from the year before. Earlier this morning, HUD and the Department of Veterans Affairs announced a 12 percent decline in the number of veterans experiencing homelessness. The number of veterans experiencing homelessness decreased from 76,329 homeless veterans to 67,495 homeless veterans between January 2010 and January 2011.
According to press releases, these declines are largely attributed to federal programs providing housing to homeless people and families, including the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program and the HUD-VA Supportive Housing Program.
While Stalling The Increase In the Homeless Population at Large It in No way Fixed the Problem. It did However Keep The Population From Growing. I contend That we no Longer Need affordable Housing and It’s Time Has Long Ago Come and Gone and was from The very Beginning, An Ill Conceived Plan In combating Homelessness and Lets Look at Affordable Housing while asking Ourselves.
1.Is It Affordable? And 2. Is It sustainable?
Affordable Housing In the Minds Of Most people Is as Follows A dwelling That one could afford, while receiving The Federal Minimum wage. Poverty Level Is Deemed as being $10,980 for a single Adult and $3,820 for each additional family Member, This Is The Federal poverty level and varies To a degree from state to state. as does Housing Cost However when Organizations Talk of affordable Housing what They are talking about Is Federally subsidized Housing, those accepting Low income and section 8 vouchering. This Is what I am asking Is federally subsidized Housing affordable? In Short No would Be My answer.
This Because It comes at 2 High A cost and In that, It Eliminates A vast Majority of Homeless and Impoverished Individuals. Because one Must first have an income to qualify For Housing. And Often That income Must exceed federal poverty Levels Or you must Qualify for section 8 subsidies. and the cost to the American Tax payer Is on a national Average $160,000 per unit to build without cost overruns and then it through section 8 vouchering, cost an average of $9,000- $16,000 annually to sustain depending on the size of the family and the part of the country You are in. People often do not understand this and say that is Not right These people are low income and only pay $130 a month for rent or whatever their income requires them to pay. and this is true what They overlook is that the balance of the rent they pay ( Local Market Pricing) What They would Charge the Average Well funded Individual For rent, Is covered By the American Tax payer In the Vouchering Subsidies Programs.
So If you Really Look At it, It Becomes clear That we Can No Longer Afford Affordable Housing. In a country Where Banks and Corporations are given Billions In bail out Money and corporations Disguising Themselves as Public Housing Authorities, Continue To accept Federal subsidies For the same families That the Banks, Foreclosed On who were Once Buying these Vacant Homes All over our Countries. So I said What I did Because I believe It to Be true.
“instead of spending billions building affordable housing lets spend billions building up people to be able to afford housing”
We have enough Vacant Homes In this Country, So To advocate The Building Of More and and Making them affordable Is simply stated Insanity why Don’t We Just spend the Billions allocated To Building More Affordable Housing.To Building Up the Lives Of The Impoverished, UnHoused (Homeless) Marginally Housed. People Struggling to Survive Too A point of Being able to afford the Homes We already Have Being Held Hostage By the Banks And Corporations Who have run this country Into The Ground.
Change Of the System Will Never Happen Until We see That The system Has truly Failed. It’s Not about People Not Having a House Or a Home There Are Empty Homes Everywhere You Look, It’s Just That Some People Can’t Afford To Have One!
So Lets Start Looking at the People aspect, So we don’t continue to Fail, Because Believe It Or Not Housing And Food Are A Basic Human Right.
*Facts and Figures In the Above Post Came from HUD.GOV and HHS.Gov and are From 2011 Reports made available From Jan 2012-March2012.
**These Housing Numbers are accurate and Current and are Often Over inflated By organizations and Individuals For effect some even Stating Homeless #’s as High as 7million at the same time praising themselves for being part of the PIT count. this Post represents accurate Numbers from that point in time count.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
The HEARTH Act, enacted by Congress in May 2009, mandated that the USICH produce a "national strategic plan" to end homelessness to Congress and the President. Beginning in January 2010, USICH held regional stakeholder meetings, organized federal working groups focused on specific populations, solicited public comment through an interactive website, and engaged experts from across the country to develop an action plan to solve homelessness for veterans, adults, families, youth, and children. The result of that mandate and engagement of all stakeholders is Opening Doors.
The Above came from US.Gov Web Site Serving Housing and Urban Development, And in My mind as well as anyone Who has for the Last 2 decades been aware of the Homeless Problem In this Country,Know That within this Very decision there is so much being said. to start with I would Like to Point out That it was a Mandate given To the USICH United States Interagency Council On Homelessness. It has since then Been attributed to The present Presidential Administration. While the 111th Congress Held a democratic Majority and Republican Minority by a 42 to 58% margin. The closest thing this country has had to a Bipartisan congress in many years.
The Mandate Forwarded to USICH, came on the Heals Of 15yr’s of failure in solving the Homeless Problem In America, Congress Had obviously seen a need To Motivate The Agency Who had for so Long failed, However with That mandate again Give them Free reign To solve the Homeless Problem In America. This Time The US 111th Congress is to share In the Blame With USICH for This failure In that They failed to bring any accountability To this Mandate.
And since No oversight was Placed on This Mandate, we Now Have what we have always Had In the Homeless services Industry The revamping Of a failed Plan. There is However reason For this The USICH by their own admission relied On what they referred to as Homeless experts However These Experts Represented A consortium Of agencies who had received Funding for well over a decade for a 10yr plan to end Homelessness, Well These Geniuses took a Proactive stance this time in Eradicating Homelessness. They simply decided That this 10yr plan that was Now failing all over the country after so long could be accomplished If they used the same Model Permanent supportive Housing and Did so saying it could now be done in 5yr or 3 years, Hence the establishment of 100K homes a brain Child Of common Grounds and It’s sister industry representatives. Many of which Are Offshoots of Roseanne Hagerty The Founder Common Grounds.It having Taken Over A year and Millions Of dollars To have conceived Of this Plan. We are Now left With, It Is what It is, 100k Homes is Praised By The Homeless Industry, Far and wide It is Being called By all the answer To The problem. A 3yr plan to house 100K Of the Nations most vulnerable Homeless Individuals, If this plan succeeds In this The Industry will accomplish what it has set out to do, And that is To continue their funding!
However we are now 18 Month’s Into this Plan and It too Is Failing Having Housed Only 12,600 + of the Nations Most vulnerable. But Never worry, well For those Who are inside Sleeping comfortable In their Beds I say Never Worry, However this Is what the Homeless Them selves are faced with.
Recently Posted By 100k Homes Community action and involvement.Leaders
That’s why, beginning March 1st, we will implement the following new strategies:
We’ve also created two key advocacy teams to support the movement as a whole. The Systems Change Team, led by Jessica Venegas, will work with the Quality Improvement Team and Communications Team to listen to your needs on the ground and amplify our collective voice to key federal and strategic partners and policymakers. This team’s goal is to improve the top-down policies and conditions for your work, so be sure to let them know what you need! The Communications Team, led by Jake Maguire, will work with participating communities to draw attention to successful local models and to build momentum for key policy shifts at the federal level. This team will also help communities maximize media for local support and fundraising. And lastly, we will continue to enlist and seek the on-going advice and assistance of as many national partners as possible, all of whom will be accessible in some way to participating communities.
We believe that if we make these targeted adjustments, we can make significant headway toward reaching our goals and fundamentally altering America’s response to homelessness. We can’t wait to continue working with and hearing from all participating communities as we continue to tailor our strategies. For assistance or more information, please contact your field organizer. If you live in Texas or the Mountain or Pacific time zones, contact Mike Shore. If you live in the Eastern or Central time zones (minus Texas), contact Linda Kaufman.
Woohooo, Homeless people Now Have been Given At least another Year to Be on the streets. After Being On the streets for 20+ yr’s I can tell you there will those that adapt and those that Die, Thanks for the extension Can you Do this Or Not?
I have Been criticized By One of the Most Prominent Homeless advocates In this Country for My Disbelief and My inability To stop crying Out against the abuse of Homeless Agencies telling Me often Cant you Just Get along, all the while Me saying No I can Not, While holding On to this Post For sometime I felt Today I could Publish This Post without fear Of reprisal Because The Homeless advocate I speak Of today Weather Knowingly or Unwittingly was able to State and I quote
“Anyone that doesn't see homeless services system is broken has their head in guacamole! PEOPLE ARE DYING & tax payer $ is being WASTED!”
The Above came from US.Gov Web Site Serving Housing and Urban Development, And in My mind as well as anyone Who has for the Last 2 decades been aware of the Homeless Problem In this Country,Know That within this Very decision there is so much being said. to start with I would Like to Point out That it was a Mandate given To the USICH United States Interagency Council On Homelessness. It has since then Been attributed to The present Presidential Administration. While the 111th Congress Held a democratic Majority and Republican Minority by a 42 to 58% margin. The closest thing this country has had to a Bipartisan congress in many years.
The Mandate Forwarded to USICH, came on the Heals Of 15yr’s of failure in solving the Homeless Problem In America, Congress Had obviously seen a need To Motivate The Agency Who had for so Long failed, However with That mandate again Give them Free reign To solve the Homeless Problem In America. This Time The US 111th Congress is to share In the Blame With USICH for This failure In that They failed to bring any accountability To this Mandate.
And since No oversight was Placed on This Mandate, we Now Have what we have always Had In the Homeless services Industry The revamping Of a failed Plan. There is However reason For this The USICH by their own admission relied On what they referred to as Homeless experts However These Experts Represented A consortium Of agencies who had received Funding for well over a decade for a 10yr plan to end Homelessness, Well These Geniuses took a Proactive stance this time in Eradicating Homelessness. They simply decided That this 10yr plan that was Now failing all over the country after so long could be accomplished If they used the same Model Permanent supportive Housing and Did so saying it could now be done in 5yr or 3 years, Hence the establishment of 100K homes a brain Child Of common Grounds and It’s sister industry representatives. Many of which Are Offshoots of Roseanne Hagerty The Founder Common Grounds.It having Taken Over A year and Millions Of dollars To have conceived Of this Plan. We are Now left With, It Is what It is, 100k Homes is Praised By The Homeless Industry, Far and wide It is Being called By all the answer To The problem. A 3yr plan to house 100K Of the Nations most vulnerable Homeless Individuals, If this plan succeeds In this The Industry will accomplish what it has set out to do, And that is To continue their funding!
However we are now 18 Month’s Into this Plan and It too Is Failing Having Housed Only 12,600 + of the Nations Most vulnerable. But Never worry, well For those Who are inside Sleeping comfortable In their Beds I say Never Worry, However this Is what the Homeless Them selves are faced with.
Recently Posted By 100k Homes Community action and involvement.Leaders
That’s why, beginning March 1st, we will implement the following new strategies:
- We will extend the Campaign’s end date by one year, from July 2013 to July 2014, to allow more time for the best ideas to spread and the most high-impact systems changes to take hold
- In addition to focusing on their most vulnerable neighbors, we will ask communities to report the chronically homeless individuals and families that many are already housing anyway. We think that this will expand the scope of learning that can happen on the Campaign and put communities in a better position to reach the federal goals laid out in Opening Doors.
- We will ask every participating community to work toward a housing placement rate of 2.5% of its chronic and vulnerable populations (based on 2010 federal data) each month. This number reflects the rate at which all communities would need to be housing people today in order to reach their federal goals and truly end homelessness faster than it is increasing.
- Community Solutions will do everything possible to expand access to Campaign trainings and boot camps (through cost cutting, the creation of virtual tools, and more). We will also enhance the hands-on technical assistance that we provide to participating communities through increased organizing and more helpful tools.
- The Community Solutions staff will draw on Campaign-wide data and work with our strategic partners to advocate aggressively at the federal level for key policy changes to make it easier and faster to house chronic and vulnerable homeless individuals and families. These include expanding access to mainstream housing resources like Medicaid, VASH and Section 8, as well as streamlining federal housing placement requirements and processes.
We’ve also created two key advocacy teams to support the movement as a whole. The Systems Change Team, led by Jessica Venegas, will work with the Quality Improvement Team and Communications Team to listen to your needs on the ground and amplify our collective voice to key federal and strategic partners and policymakers. This team’s goal is to improve the top-down policies and conditions for your work, so be sure to let them know what you need! The Communications Team, led by Jake Maguire, will work with participating communities to draw attention to successful local models and to build momentum for key policy shifts at the federal level. This team will also help communities maximize media for local support and fundraising. And lastly, we will continue to enlist and seek the on-going advice and assistance of as many national partners as possible, all of whom will be accessible in some way to participating communities.
We believe that if we make these targeted adjustments, we can make significant headway toward reaching our goals and fundamentally altering America’s response to homelessness. We can’t wait to continue working with and hearing from all participating communities as we continue to tailor our strategies. For assistance or more information, please contact your field organizer. If you live in Texas or the Mountain or Pacific time zones, contact Mike Shore. If you live in the Eastern or Central time zones (minus Texas), contact Linda Kaufman.
Woohooo, Homeless people Now Have been Given At least another Year to Be on the streets. After Being On the streets for 20+ yr’s I can tell you there will those that adapt and those that Die, Thanks for the extension Can you Do this Or Not?
I have Been criticized By One of the Most Prominent Homeless advocates In this Country for My Disbelief and My inability To stop crying Out against the abuse of Homeless Agencies telling Me often Cant you Just Get along, all the while Me saying No I can Not, While holding On to this Post For sometime I felt Today I could Publish This Post without fear Of reprisal Because The Homeless advocate I speak Of today Weather Knowingly or Unwittingly was able to State and I quote
“Anyone that doesn't see homeless services system is broken has their head in guacamole! PEOPLE ARE DYING & tax payer $ is being WASTED!”
M Horvath, Founder Of Invisible People
My Only Question Would Be, Now Knowing This How Can you still Get Along?
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
For the Cause!
As For the Cause as People would call it the fight of Homelessness, I will explain In detail as to what I see And what It is that Is My hope, My hope Is that The cause Be crushed under foot! (Gasp!) I know many of you now are asking yourself How can This Man say that? It is True as Far as I am Concerned Because I believe what many people are calling the cause Is a system That has been built upon the backs of the impoverished. And I believe When This cause Is crushed that what will be left will simply be people who are impoverished , Homeless, Less fortunate, And in Need. and it will only be then that we are going to be able to shift our focus to these individuals and Take it off of the Poverty Industry that Now makes it impossible to see These people because They(the industry) represent themselves as the front line in this fight.
Men fall and come to the place where They often cry out to God that They may find rest from their struggle in life.And in steps the industry often claiming that we(meaning they) need to be the answer to men’s Prayers. Truth is That Only God Can be the answer To man’s prayers. Not You, not Me and Not some Organization. But Jesus Himself Is He who Is able to intervene in a mans Life. I have always written and spoke and failed In conveying that we are looking in the wrong direction when it comes to Serving Gods Purpose Because I have for so Long Focused On the Problem And Not the solution when the solution Has always Been and will always Be right where God Has Placed It.
The solution Is Men and women acting on their faith and compassion, The solution is a woman Who at great peril to Herself Feeds Men In her back yard and allows Them to use Her yard as a Hangout a place of rest. It is in a young woman who travels The country with her Husband Her Dog and Their friend in a convoy of Love going as far as todays Gas will take them so that they Might serve By passing on truckloads of blessing to others, It is In a Woman With a warehouse who gathers blessings that she might pass them on to others shipping them anywhere that a need Might be met. It is in A Man who works 14hrs a day selling furniture yet when He is weary distributes blessing to those who have need. It is in young Kids who are willing to be arrested to feed people in a Public Park. It is In A Husband and wife In rural America Who Open their Home to A homeless Man and then another so That they Might Have an Opportunity To restructure their lives always Giving credit to The Lord On High And The God Of Love that They serve.
I Know that The God Of Love, Is at work in All Of their Lives and That these are the solutions that we have and always have had. and That it is Only people Like the Ones I spoke of Who are willing to Open their Lives Up and Their willingness to serve another that will ever Change the Lives of others, Do I discount the Organizations,that Have enveloped All of the Public Funding and Most of the Private sector donations in all of this. Indeed I do.
The reason Being Is because, Are You ready! Unlike The people That are building relationships With what God Has given Them, The organizations are building client list, with anything they can get.
So while I often Confront and Criticize, The worldly Organizations Who believe They are the answer to men’s Prayers, It Is because I wish Mankind To see that The solution is in those that Have Turned from this worldly system, and believe God Is the answer to men’s prayers. Because I am Not An I did This Kind Of person, I am A God Did This Kind Of person. So While, I am Often Distracted By those who Sing their Own Praise. I am Always Open To those That Sing Gods Praise. They are His sheep Amongst the wolves!
Much Love And Many Blessings Joseph! Ye’shua Loves You One And All.
Men fall and come to the place where They often cry out to God that They may find rest from their struggle in life.And in steps the industry often claiming that we(meaning they) need to be the answer to men’s Prayers. Truth is That Only God Can be the answer To man’s prayers. Not You, not Me and Not some Organization. But Jesus Himself Is He who Is able to intervene in a mans Life. I have always written and spoke and failed In conveying that we are looking in the wrong direction when it comes to Serving Gods Purpose Because I have for so Long Focused On the Problem And Not the solution when the solution Has always Been and will always Be right where God Has Placed It.
The solution Is Men and women acting on their faith and compassion, The solution is a woman Who at great peril to Herself Feeds Men In her back yard and allows Them to use Her yard as a Hangout a place of rest. It is in a young woman who travels The country with her Husband Her Dog and Their friend in a convoy of Love going as far as todays Gas will take them so that they Might serve By passing on truckloads of blessing to others, It is In a Woman With a warehouse who gathers blessings that she might pass them on to others shipping them anywhere that a need Might be met. It is in A Man who works 14hrs a day selling furniture yet when He is weary distributes blessing to those who have need. It is in young Kids who are willing to be arrested to feed people in a Public Park. It is In A Husband and wife In rural America Who Open their Home to A homeless Man and then another so That they Might Have an Opportunity To restructure their lives always Giving credit to The Lord On High And The God Of Love that They serve.
I Know that The God Of Love, Is at work in All Of their Lives and That these are the solutions that we have and always have had. and That it is Only people Like the Ones I spoke of Who are willing to Open their Lives Up and Their willingness to serve another that will ever Change the Lives of others, Do I discount the Organizations,that Have enveloped All of the Public Funding and Most of the Private sector donations in all of this. Indeed I do.
The reason Being Is because, Are You ready! Unlike The people That are building relationships With what God Has given Them, The organizations are building client list, with anything they can get.
So while I often Confront and Criticize, The worldly Organizations Who believe They are the answer to men’s Prayers, It Is because I wish Mankind To see that The solution is in those that Have Turned from this worldly system, and believe God Is the answer to men’s prayers. Because I am Not An I did This Kind Of person, I am A God Did This Kind Of person. So While, I am Often Distracted By those who Sing their Own Praise. I am Always Open To those That Sing Gods Praise. They are His sheep Amongst the wolves!
Much Love And Many Blessings Joseph! Ye’shua Loves You One And All.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Feeding The Homeless Banned To What End?
Food not bombs was first persecuted in San Francisco for feeding The homeless In golden gate park in the early 1980’s Yet the college kids That sacrificed of themselves to do it at risk of arrest where some of the most awesome Kids I have ever Met in My life.
From there the persecution of food not bombs spread to almost every college Town in America where Kids were willing to extend a Hand of compassion To there fellow Man. In and throughout the late 1980’s Reno Nevada adopted a policy where not only those handing out food would be faced with arrest but those willing to receive the blessing were faced with the same.
Now Like then, You have Cities around America Banning The Act of Human compassion. and Handing out food in a public Park Is a crime the only support this legislation has found was with Homeless services organizations, they have always been and will always be the first to jump on the Band wagon And they Will now and have always proclaimed, We are doing what is best for the Homeless.We are their protectors and we Know what is best for them, When In reality They are doing what is best for themselves. As they truly want themselves to be the Only hope the Homeless have.
If there are no other resources for the homeless to tap into than they are still going to be needed and funded, as someone who lived on the streets for 20+ years I have experienced Hunger On a Saturday and Sunday in cities that have no other place to go and eat but these small group’s of outlaw’s who were willing to face arrest to see a brother Fed. Where were these Protectors Of mine when I was so Hungry I had to sacrifice My human dignity and climb into a dumpster for food the first time Because I was in a city where it was illegal to feed me? My question to these organizations would be Do I cease to exist. Between Friday at 5 O’clock until Monday At noon. But I know in reality I too Them cease to exist the moment I walked out the Door. Because the Only way one of these Places feed a man is if He is first counted Because the simple act of counting Him Gives them the ability to claim Him on their annual funding report as another person served. And Their true fear is not am I going to be poisoned By the Church Ladies with the sandwich's Or the College Kids with the Hot soup or the Homeless Guy’s who thru their food stamp's together Or the Beautiful Lady who opened Her Back yard Up to all who Might come and Sup with her,, But rather am I going to show Up to Be counted and Allow them To be funded?
Houston Tx, New York New York, Philadelphia Penn(city of Brotherly Love My *^&) Pensacola Florida, Santa Monica California,Arcata California, Las Vegas NV,Salt Lake City ,Utah, Reno Nv, Phoenix Az, Seattle Wa, Cheyenne Wyo, Bakersfield Ca, Medford Or, Portland Or, Sacramento Ca, Miami, Fl, Dallas Tx, St Lous Mo.Kansas City Ks. Just To name a few are cities Who should Hang their Head in shame As they have all at one time or another Either passed Or tried to pass Ordinance Preventing the feeding Of Hungry People By those With Compassion.
Know that in them claiming they do this for Me and Men Like Me because people have fed Us tainted food al over this country, and They should Only do so if Regulated and If you don’t believe that you are no friend of the Homeless, what They won’t tell you is the vast Number of times where soup kitchens and dinning halls across this country have fed Homeless tainted food, and many of their clients have ended up in the emergency room with food poisoning or How the cases Of E coli and salmonella are far greater at Taco Bell, Jack in the Box, And other Fast food restaurants. than they are at a homeless feed in the Park. I have never seen After 20yrs on the street a person Sick from an Unregulated Feed. The Homeless service agencies have thus far been unable to solve the Problem of Homelessness So the Next Logical Step is To legislate Us Out of existence. Don’t eat, Don’t sleep, Don’t Camp, Don’t live!!! Another 2 decades of this and Homeless Euthanasia will be a Reality, we can just call it a cultural cleansing
From there the persecution of food not bombs spread to almost every college Town in America where Kids were willing to extend a Hand of compassion To there fellow Man. In and throughout the late 1980’s Reno Nevada adopted a policy where not only those handing out food would be faced with arrest but those willing to receive the blessing were faced with the same.
Now Like then, You have Cities around America Banning The Act of Human compassion. and Handing out food in a public Park Is a crime the only support this legislation has found was with Homeless services organizations, they have always been and will always be the first to jump on the Band wagon And they Will now and have always proclaimed, We are doing what is best for the Homeless.We are their protectors and we Know what is best for them, When In reality They are doing what is best for themselves. As they truly want themselves to be the Only hope the Homeless have.
If there are no other resources for the homeless to tap into than they are still going to be needed and funded, as someone who lived on the streets for 20+ years I have experienced Hunger On a Saturday and Sunday in cities that have no other place to go and eat but these small group’s of outlaw’s who were willing to face arrest to see a brother Fed. Where were these Protectors Of mine when I was so Hungry I had to sacrifice My human dignity and climb into a dumpster for food the first time Because I was in a city where it was illegal to feed me? My question to these organizations would be Do I cease to exist. Between Friday at 5 O’clock until Monday At noon. But I know in reality I too Them cease to exist the moment I walked out the Door. Because the Only way one of these Places feed a man is if He is first counted Because the simple act of counting Him Gives them the ability to claim Him on their annual funding report as another person served. And Their true fear is not am I going to be poisoned By the Church Ladies with the sandwich's Or the College Kids with the Hot soup or the Homeless Guy’s who thru their food stamp's together Or the Beautiful Lady who opened Her Back yard Up to all who Might come and Sup with her,, But rather am I going to show Up to Be counted and Allow them To be funded?
Houston Tx, New York New York, Philadelphia Penn(city of Brotherly Love My *^&) Pensacola Florida, Santa Monica California,Arcata California, Las Vegas NV,Salt Lake City ,Utah, Reno Nv, Phoenix Az, Seattle Wa, Cheyenne Wyo, Bakersfield Ca, Medford Or, Portland Or, Sacramento Ca, Miami, Fl, Dallas Tx, St Lous Mo.Kansas City Ks. Just To name a few are cities Who should Hang their Head in shame As they have all at one time or another Either passed Or tried to pass Ordinance Preventing the feeding Of Hungry People By those With Compassion.
Know that in them claiming they do this for Me and Men Like Me because people have fed Us tainted food al over this country, and They should Only do so if Regulated and If you don’t believe that you are no friend of the Homeless, what They won’t tell you is the vast Number of times where soup kitchens and dinning halls across this country have fed Homeless tainted food, and many of their clients have ended up in the emergency room with food poisoning or How the cases Of E coli and salmonella are far greater at Taco Bell, Jack in the Box, And other Fast food restaurants. than they are at a homeless feed in the Park. I have never seen After 20yrs on the street a person Sick from an Unregulated Feed. The Homeless service agencies have thus far been unable to solve the Problem of Homelessness So the Next Logical Step is To legislate Us Out of existence. Don’t eat, Don’t sleep, Don’t Camp, Don’t live!!! Another 2 decades of this and Homeless Euthanasia will be a Reality, we can just call it a cultural cleansing
chronic homeless,
feeding homeless banned,
feeding homeless illegal.,
regulate homeless feeding
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Look Before You Leap!
Standing For something as Compared to standing for nothing, Is Not something as easy as one Might think when You in your person have decided to take a stand as anyone Who has Might tell you, You will face opposition and you will often be torn between others criticisms and what you truly believe!
I do not in anyway believe That I am Now nor can ever be overcome by the condemnation of Others, I have often Offended Many people With My views and My convictions, I some time Ago swore that I would No Longer apologize for what I believe In. I will only apologize For being so repetitive and feeling as if I have to say the same things over and over.
I do know after speaking often of the Failings of the Church in addressing the problem of the suffrage of their fellow man, Many people have realized that a lot of what I have said Is true the church is not somewhere you go on Sundays and fellowship But rather the church Is each and everyone of us, It is inside of Us and that the true servant of God is easily discernable By the Love that Is manifested in their lives. We can truly impact, this fight against homelessness where others have failed, because of the love we have and our ability to share it freely.
Now because I often speak so freely about the Industry of Homeless Help, and The abuse of this system to Exploit The Homeless, and To do as Little as Humanly Possible To Have impact On homelessness, and Their ability to Insure themselves the vast Majority of Private sector Donations and Government and Privately Funded Grants , All the while perpetrating A fraud on the generous donors and the American Tax payer at Large.
The saddest Part is that as far as Private sector donations the Greatest Percentage of these donations come from our very own brothers and sisters In Christ, Know that In all My criticisms of Homeless Organizations I am In no way Implying I find Fault In Good People Who simply Follow The leading of their Human compassion, and Give freely of their Time In the way of volunteering, The Money In terms Of Financial support, Or their Hope In the Belief That Giving to anyone who says Their helping Is For a Greater Good In furthering the eradication of Homelessness. Because They do so out of the goodness of their Heart.
I have Many times Asked and Often Adamantly, That People research Before They Give, By doing that You are able to stand also By what You believe, and You can Be aware Of how Your donations are being spent, If You want to truly help fight Homelessness this is The Most important tool we have combating it. If You are going to financially support someone Helping the Homeless Do you really want to Help someone who has for years Failed with every homeless program they have tried, Or too the organizations that exist only to refer people to these failing programs.
When People are presented with the fact that there are Organizations who are profiting from Homelessness there are Generally 2 reactions. One Being that Of That is Just too appalling to be true, then there is that of, Tell me something I didn’t know.The later generally coming from people who will no longer extend their Hand To a Brother or sister in need because of past experience or lack of compassion.
When The most Important reaction is All to often ignored, and That being I am going to find out for myself if this is true, Before I lend to them continued support. If someone has The desire and compassion to Give of themselves To Homelessness or any other cause Please do so But do it with an informed Opinion!
Fy2010 $3.222 billion to combating homelessness veterans services alone yet there are still homeless veterans believed to be 43% of the homeless population.
$46.3 billion for FY 2010 allocated to combating homelessness.. at large. these numbers are government allocations, and do not reflect private sector donations, private sector donations were estimated to have been 300% higher. by HUD.
know before you give that disclosure of how their money is spent is required to be given for any one who cares enough to ask!
God Bless You, Please look before you leap!
I do not in anyway believe That I am Now nor can ever be overcome by the condemnation of Others, I have often Offended Many people With My views and My convictions, I some time Ago swore that I would No Longer apologize for what I believe In. I will only apologize For being so repetitive and feeling as if I have to say the same things over and over.
I do know after speaking often of the Failings of the Church in addressing the problem of the suffrage of their fellow man, Many people have realized that a lot of what I have said Is true the church is not somewhere you go on Sundays and fellowship But rather the church Is each and everyone of us, It is inside of Us and that the true servant of God is easily discernable By the Love that Is manifested in their lives. We can truly impact, this fight against homelessness where others have failed, because of the love we have and our ability to share it freely.
Now because I often speak so freely about the Industry of Homeless Help, and The abuse of this system to Exploit The Homeless, and To do as Little as Humanly Possible To Have impact On homelessness, and Their ability to Insure themselves the vast Majority of Private sector Donations and Government and Privately Funded Grants , All the while perpetrating A fraud on the generous donors and the American Tax payer at Large.
The saddest Part is that as far as Private sector donations the Greatest Percentage of these donations come from our very own brothers and sisters In Christ, Know that In all My criticisms of Homeless Organizations I am In no way Implying I find Fault In Good People Who simply Follow The leading of their Human compassion, and Give freely of their Time In the way of volunteering, The Money In terms Of Financial support, Or their Hope In the Belief That Giving to anyone who says Their helping Is For a Greater Good In furthering the eradication of Homelessness. Because They do so out of the goodness of their Heart.
I have Many times Asked and Often Adamantly, That People research Before They Give, By doing that You are able to stand also By what You believe, and You can Be aware Of how Your donations are being spent, If You want to truly help fight Homelessness this is The Most important tool we have combating it. If You are going to financially support someone Helping the Homeless Do you really want to Help someone who has for years Failed with every homeless program they have tried, Or too the organizations that exist only to refer people to these failing programs.
When People are presented with the fact that there are Organizations who are profiting from Homelessness there are Generally 2 reactions. One Being that Of That is Just too appalling to be true, then there is that of, Tell me something I didn’t know.The later generally coming from people who will no longer extend their Hand To a Brother or sister in need because of past experience or lack of compassion.
When The most Important reaction is All to often ignored, and That being I am going to find out for myself if this is true, Before I lend to them continued support. If someone has The desire and compassion to Give of themselves To Homelessness or any other cause Please do so But do it with an informed Opinion!
Fy2010 $3.222 billion to combating homelessness veterans services alone yet there are still homeless veterans believed to be 43% of the homeless population.
$46.3 billion for FY 2010 allocated to combating homelessness.. at large. these numbers are government allocations, and do not reflect private sector donations, private sector donations were estimated to have been 300% higher. by HUD.
know before you give that disclosure of how their money is spent is required to be given for any one who cares enough to ask!
God Bless You, Please look before you leap!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Where do Lamb Chop’s Come From?
After Being Berated, Belittled, Accused Of almost every vile thing one might possibly Think of I must Tell You I do Not Care what people Have to Say about me I am Not here for the approval Of people who will believe anything they are told. You say You want to help the Homeless Yet You wont get Out from In front Of The Computer Long enough to do anything But have an Opinion. The trouble with That is Most and I am Not saying all of you Hold an opinion That has Been spoon fed to you. Let me be clear I am not talking to those of You who have sought the truth and have began to reach out yourselves, Helping where and when you can, I am talking to you the ones that believe You are Most Tre’sheik and trendy in your advocacy attempts.
I am In this Post Being Blunt Those of You who Know Me May want to stop reading Here!
As For the rest Of you to believe That anything you are told By any homeless advocate Who claims to speak for the Homeless Population at large Are more than Likely never going to understand What I am About to say. You are much too stupid to help the Homeless, You should Now start helping abandoned Puppies. You get Up everyday and interject yourself into conversations that you are utterly clueless about, You are willing in your stupidity To stand behind Homeless advocates Who are Championed as the Voice of the Homeless and When The Homeless Themselves tell you this person is abusive or simply marketing themselves and their organization you refuse to Look at the Facts.
Simply Because what? you are to Lazy to look at the facts you are presented with Or you are to much of a sheep to bother ? and must at the cost of walking off of a cliff blindly follow someone who has become your shepherd.
Let Me explain My anger, I have watched for Day’s As A man Claim’s He would never in any way Ever Harm A homeless Person Or a Person With a Mental Illness One minute when Trying to Justify His actions. And In The next breath tell everyone This same person Who has shed Light on His Darkness, Is Mentally Ill and Just Jealous and Must be stopped at all cost because He is detrimental to the cause. Wait what ? I would never Except in this case ? Well Excuse Me I am Pissed. at the shear lunacy of this person. The homeless person Who He has Lied about for over three month’s now has spoken His Mind and raised Valid Questions As to the Morality and ethics of This Homeless advocate.and There are many Regular everyday people out there who have seen the validity of these questions.
Yet Every time this Homeless advocate is confronted with the Facts presented He Spews Much Hatred, laying false claims that it is because this Homeless man Has Mental issues claiming that This Man has tried to Get Me and people I work with Fired. A blatant Lie yes the Homeless Man has presented The employers with the facts of unethical behavior, and has at times reached out and ask organizations praising Him to please look into His unethical and immoral behavior. I for one believe they do need to Look at His actions For one He lies when He says I would not abuse a homeless person, Yet I am going to over and over Lie about this homeless person who would dare to question Me.
I am Just A man Homeless for over 2 decades and I am now Living Inside No thanks to any homeless service agency There But By the Grace Of God Go I. I am Blessed and Many people Believe That I should Because I am Now Inside Keep My Mouth Shut and Not talk about the Abuses of the System The Over funding of Org’s That haver administration fee’s that Are Higher than the Actual Money spent on fixing the problem of Homelessness. Fact is I am the One Man who wants them All fired for The misallocation of funds that has taken Place Over the Last 2 decades.and the Misallocation of funds Is from the Dept of HUD in excess of 100’s and 100’s of billions of dollars. more than most can wrap their Minds around. enough for me to freely Right here Proclaim To all of you While being accused of Having a Agenda I freely admit To you that I do, If I thought It possible to have these Org’s Directors and executive directors And Board Members themselves bound over for trial in front of the world Court for crimes against Humanity I would Be on It.
I think at some point we Must if By force Get accountability into the Money that has been allocated for the Homeless Money That Belonged to the Homeless But was used as travel expenses and Living expenses going to Marketing seminar expenses. any thin dime that was misallocated should be accounted for.
Now In A more delicate, Manner Let Me say Only this, Everyone in the Homeless Fight Has An agenda, And when The Dept Of Housing and Urban Development Claims It is costing the American Tax payer over 68,000 Dollars a year Just to Keep Me on the streets and I couldn’t get a tooth pulled By the veterans administration in over 20 yrs spent on the street. and couldn’t get treatment for a broken vertebrae in My neck. never having seen a Dr For years because I was Homeless. Do I not have the right To Question anyone who says We are Helping. Do I not have the right to Question a Man who says I in no way abuse Mentally Ill People and in the same breath says I am attacking this person to let you know He is Mentally Ill.
And That is His Only Defense To Any allegation against Him is I don’t have to answer that The person Is Mentally Ill. Am I biased Yes I talk to this Man daily and can tell you He is Not mentally Ill He Has simply put truth’s out their for the world to see and Judge for themselves and Is now weary of being attacked By someone who Unwilling and Uneducated on the Facts simply follows along Blindly as Sheep.
Me I question almost everything. And I think you should To.If you don’t question authority in this day and age it is really really BaaaaaaaaD! Ewe Sheep’s May blindly follow But remember, that’s where we get Lamb chops!
Why Am I writing about this Again? Because I have the Utmost Faith That the Light will Outshine the Darkness! and sooner Or later Men And women Look For truth,and when They Find It it is not always as warm and fuzzy as they thought !!!
I am In this Post Being Blunt Those of You who Know Me May want to stop reading Here!
As For the rest Of you to believe That anything you are told By any homeless advocate Who claims to speak for the Homeless Population at large Are more than Likely never going to understand What I am About to say. You are much too stupid to help the Homeless, You should Now start helping abandoned Puppies. You get Up everyday and interject yourself into conversations that you are utterly clueless about, You are willing in your stupidity To stand behind Homeless advocates Who are Championed as the Voice of the Homeless and When The Homeless Themselves tell you this person is abusive or simply marketing themselves and their organization you refuse to Look at the Facts.
Simply Because what? you are to Lazy to look at the facts you are presented with Or you are to much of a sheep to bother ? and must at the cost of walking off of a cliff blindly follow someone who has become your shepherd.
Let Me explain My anger, I have watched for Day’s As A man Claim’s He would never in any way Ever Harm A homeless Person Or a Person With a Mental Illness One minute when Trying to Justify His actions. And In The next breath tell everyone This same person Who has shed Light on His Darkness, Is Mentally Ill and Just Jealous and Must be stopped at all cost because He is detrimental to the cause. Wait what ? I would never Except in this case ? Well Excuse Me I am Pissed. at the shear lunacy of this person. The homeless person Who He has Lied about for over three month’s now has spoken His Mind and raised Valid Questions As to the Morality and ethics of This Homeless advocate.and There are many Regular everyday people out there who have seen the validity of these questions.
Yet Every time this Homeless advocate is confronted with the Facts presented He Spews Much Hatred, laying false claims that it is because this Homeless man Has Mental issues claiming that This Man has tried to Get Me and people I work with Fired. A blatant Lie yes the Homeless Man has presented The employers with the facts of unethical behavior, and has at times reached out and ask organizations praising Him to please look into His unethical and immoral behavior. I for one believe they do need to Look at His actions For one He lies when He says I would not abuse a homeless person, Yet I am going to over and over Lie about this homeless person who would dare to question Me.
I am Just A man Homeless for over 2 decades and I am now Living Inside No thanks to any homeless service agency There But By the Grace Of God Go I. I am Blessed and Many people Believe That I should Because I am Now Inside Keep My Mouth Shut and Not talk about the Abuses of the System The Over funding of Org’s That haver administration fee’s that Are Higher than the Actual Money spent on fixing the problem of Homelessness. Fact is I am the One Man who wants them All fired for The misallocation of funds that has taken Place Over the Last 2 decades.and the Misallocation of funds Is from the Dept of HUD in excess of 100’s and 100’s of billions of dollars. more than most can wrap their Minds around. enough for me to freely Right here Proclaim To all of you While being accused of Having a Agenda I freely admit To you that I do, If I thought It possible to have these Org’s Directors and executive directors And Board Members themselves bound over for trial in front of the world Court for crimes against Humanity I would Be on It.
I think at some point we Must if By force Get accountability into the Money that has been allocated for the Homeless Money That Belonged to the Homeless But was used as travel expenses and Living expenses going to Marketing seminar expenses. any thin dime that was misallocated should be accounted for.
Now In A more delicate, Manner Let Me say Only this, Everyone in the Homeless Fight Has An agenda, And when The Dept Of Housing and Urban Development Claims It is costing the American Tax payer over 68,000 Dollars a year Just to Keep Me on the streets and I couldn’t get a tooth pulled By the veterans administration in over 20 yrs spent on the street. and couldn’t get treatment for a broken vertebrae in My neck. never having seen a Dr For years because I was Homeless. Do I not have the right To Question anyone who says We are Helping. Do I not have the right to Question a Man who says I in no way abuse Mentally Ill People and in the same breath says I am attacking this person to let you know He is Mentally Ill.
And That is His Only Defense To Any allegation against Him is I don’t have to answer that The person Is Mentally Ill. Am I biased Yes I talk to this Man daily and can tell you He is Not mentally Ill He Has simply put truth’s out their for the world to see and Judge for themselves and Is now weary of being attacked By someone who Unwilling and Uneducated on the Facts simply follows along Blindly as Sheep.
Me I question almost everything. And I think you should To.If you don’t question authority in this day and age it is really really BaaaaaaaaD! Ewe Sheep’s May blindly follow But remember, that’s where we get Lamb chops!
Why Am I writing about this Again? Because I have the Utmost Faith That the Light will Outshine the Darkness! and sooner Or later Men And women Look For truth,and when They Find It it is not always as warm and fuzzy as they thought !!!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Remember God Doesn’t Make No Junk!
Until You have Lived under a Bridge, with a Vietnam vet who was A holder of the congressional Medal Of Honor and watch as He died 6 miles from a Veterans Hospital who refused to help Him unless He stopped drinking first, Or camped a mile outside of town because that was as close as you dare get because People didn’t want you in the town, only to come back to your Camp only to find the Man you learned to love as a Brother Has Killed Himself because He could No longer face the indignity of what He had Become. You can Not Nor do I expect anyone to understand, at best You can lend to me The Empathy You have for anyone who suffers or has suffered. And that is Fine and for me a step in the right direction.
I have often been accused of being a Hater, of Having an agenda, and of being full of vitriol. (and I freely admit I do, sorry If My agenda steps on some toe’s.) Also I can only assume they Meant that I was bitter and abusive and not full of sulfuric acid. I can tell you this for sure If in these comments It was Intended to insult me for Having great passion towards homelessness than I accept that. I do not accept however That I am what others have said I am simply because I openly and freely speak out against Organizations who are in the business of profiting from homelessness.
I started Blogging a Little Over one year ago, and I was confronted with the fact that another of My homeless friends Had died,alone and on the streets of one of the richest communities on the west coast. His Name Was Robert Bunch and He was found dead On 12/1/2010 To me He will always Be Bobby. He died In my opinion because He did not want to be fixed. There was No grand epitaph nor did droves of people attend his burial. what there was and still is a small band of brothers and sisters who called him friend, I being only One. I received This e-mail shortly after I had began to blog saying I thought You would want to know Bobby Died. The Local Santa Barbara News Ran a small byline explaining He had died of exposure possible linked to alcohol. Anyone having Known Bobby would have not seen this as a stretch.
I felt He deserved More. so I posted this Blog. This not so Homeless Life: For Bobby -
I think I had at that Time Made Up My Mind To never Again Remain Silent As to the truth of The Homeless services industry, ( I cringe Calling it that But it is as the Industry Demands) I call them The profiteers of Homelessness, Because I have gone to great length’s To Look at these Organizations and can tell You there are few Non Profit Org’s That Are truly Non Profit. Because When You have Boards Of directors Executive Directors and Administrators entrenched in these Org’s that for years have brought Home six digit salaries while People they Help or claim to Help struggle to Come up with The 90$ a week program fee and the rest of the industry exist simply to Give referrals to these agencies so that at each point in the persons struggle to go from the streets to a house,there is always another referral to someone else who’ waiting to skim more of the cream from the top. Something is seriously wrong!
And The Song remains the same, And The only Job these agencies are beholden to is that at the next annual fund allocation there is still a need for them. No One in this industry is actively trying to work themselves out of a Job and herein lies the problem.The saddest thing is that it has become both a secular and non-secular Agenda.
Even faith based Initiatives have instituted policies which for the past 2 decades that I am aware of Do Not work. And they go on singing each others praises attacking and doing everything in their power to silence any voice of decent.
My best recommendation is simply this If indeed You want to help a homeless person get together with your friends your church your family, and try to impact the life of one individual, not the homeless society as a whole Ask that one person what they need don’t try to fix them educate them or turn them into a productive Member of society remembering always society itself has become unproductive. We don’t need fixed. We need friendship Love and compassion just like anyone else.
Because I can almost Guarantee you one thing If devoid of your Family and friends If every one Church Body Decided They where going to help one Homeless person Before Long instead of fighting over doctorial differences they would before you know it be fighting over who’s going to help the next person needing it.
You see Homelessness is not going to be solved By Some Org or some government grant, or private sector donations. it going to be solved By people Who Just want to Help and Have no Need for the person to be changed First.
I have often been accused of being a Hater, of Having an agenda, and of being full of vitriol. (and I freely admit I do, sorry If My agenda steps on some toe’s.) Also I can only assume they Meant that I was bitter and abusive and not full of sulfuric acid. I can tell you this for sure If in these comments It was Intended to insult me for Having great passion towards homelessness than I accept that. I do not accept however That I am what others have said I am simply because I openly and freely speak out against Organizations who are in the business of profiting from homelessness.
I started Blogging a Little Over one year ago, and I was confronted with the fact that another of My homeless friends Had died,alone and on the streets of one of the richest communities on the west coast. His Name Was Robert Bunch and He was found dead On 12/1/2010 To me He will always Be Bobby. He died In my opinion because He did not want to be fixed. There was No grand epitaph nor did droves of people attend his burial. what there was and still is a small band of brothers and sisters who called him friend, I being only One. I received This e-mail shortly after I had began to blog saying I thought You would want to know Bobby Died. The Local Santa Barbara News Ran a small byline explaining He had died of exposure possible linked to alcohol. Anyone having Known Bobby would have not seen this as a stretch.
I felt He deserved More. so I posted this Blog. This not so Homeless Life: For Bobby -
I think I had at that Time Made Up My Mind To never Again Remain Silent As to the truth of The Homeless services industry, ( I cringe Calling it that But it is as the Industry Demands) I call them The profiteers of Homelessness, Because I have gone to great length’s To Look at these Organizations and can tell You there are few Non Profit Org’s That Are truly Non Profit. Because When You have Boards Of directors Executive Directors and Administrators entrenched in these Org’s that for years have brought Home six digit salaries while People they Help or claim to Help struggle to Come up with The 90$ a week program fee and the rest of the industry exist simply to Give referrals to these agencies so that at each point in the persons struggle to go from the streets to a house,there is always another referral to someone else who’ waiting to skim more of the cream from the top. Something is seriously wrong!
And The Song remains the same, And The only Job these agencies are beholden to is that at the next annual fund allocation there is still a need for them. No One in this industry is actively trying to work themselves out of a Job and herein lies the problem.The saddest thing is that it has become both a secular and non-secular Agenda.
Even faith based Initiatives have instituted policies which for the past 2 decades that I am aware of Do Not work. And they go on singing each others praises attacking and doing everything in their power to silence any voice of decent.
My best recommendation is simply this If indeed You want to help a homeless person get together with your friends your church your family, and try to impact the life of one individual, not the homeless society as a whole Ask that one person what they need don’t try to fix them educate them or turn them into a productive Member of society remembering always society itself has become unproductive. We don’t need fixed. We need friendship Love and compassion just like anyone else.
Because I can almost Guarantee you one thing If devoid of your Family and friends If every one Church Body Decided They where going to help one Homeless person Before Long instead of fighting over doctorial differences they would before you know it be fighting over who’s going to help the next person needing it.
You see Homelessness is not going to be solved By Some Org or some government grant, or private sector donations. it going to be solved By people Who Just want to Help and Have no Need for the person to be changed First.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Homeless Hotspots The 4g Human Routers! And The true reason For successful Marketing!
Why is A marketing agency able to capitalize Off of something so Stupid and meaningless as Homeless Hotspot The 4G Human Routers?
Why because They were so successful in there previous marketing campaign, as pertaining to exploiting the Homeless, we were all afforded the opportunity to walk in the lives of 4 New York homeless men as they shared with us the daily struggle of being in a NYC shelter. they where given a cell phone and a twitter account and away we went. for a month + we were kept apprised of the adventures of these 4 Homeless men. My only question to anyone do you now know where these Men are? or for that matter does anyone from this marketing firm Know?
the answer to that would Be No. as after there initial interaction with the 4 homeless men they didn’t keep you up to date on there progress or Lack thereof', simply because the men went back to just being 4 homeless men in and out of the NYC shelter system. and everyone soon forgot the marketing firm that claimed they were doing a great thing for Homeless people. and here they are again using Homeless people to further their cause. Why Because there is a Market for It and some Homeless advocates are never questioned as to their motives and simply are willing to stand with anyone who lays claim to the Phrase we are helping.When In fact not everyone who says they are helping indeed are.
Now I am Going to let you in on the real secret of their success, They succeed because Community, Society and Most importantly the Church Has failed their fellow Man and they are able to step in and fain Compassion where true Human compassion should Have sprung Forth.
This should Not be so, There is no way They should Have been able to do this in a country where Church’s out number the Homeless by over 4 to 1. Because In a country where there are more Church’s than Homeless people there should Be No homeless people, Just saying
Why because They were so successful in there previous marketing campaign, as pertaining to exploiting the Homeless, we were all afforded the opportunity to walk in the lives of 4 New York homeless men as they shared with us the daily struggle of being in a NYC shelter. they where given a cell phone and a twitter account and away we went. for a month + we were kept apprised of the adventures of these 4 Homeless men. My only question to anyone do you now know where these Men are? or for that matter does anyone from this marketing firm Know?
the answer to that would Be No. as after there initial interaction with the 4 homeless men they didn’t keep you up to date on there progress or Lack thereof', simply because the men went back to just being 4 homeless men in and out of the NYC shelter system. and everyone soon forgot the marketing firm that claimed they were doing a great thing for Homeless people. and here they are again using Homeless people to further their cause. Why Because there is a Market for It and some Homeless advocates are never questioned as to their motives and simply are willing to stand with anyone who lays claim to the Phrase we are helping.When In fact not everyone who says they are helping indeed are.
Now I am Going to let you in on the real secret of their success, They succeed because Community, Society and Most importantly the Church Has failed their fellow Man and they are able to step in and fain Compassion where true Human compassion should Have sprung Forth.
This should Not be so, There is no way They should Have been able to do this in a country where Church’s out number the Homeless by over 4 to 1. Because In a country where there are more Church’s than Homeless people there should Be No homeless people, Just saying
Friday, March 9, 2012
The biggest misunderstanding I am faced with now is the belief of some people that I am a homeless advocate, or an activist. of which I want to be clear I am neither!
I am simply a man who lived Homeless on the streets for over 2 decades and Got seriously sick of others perception that in order to help a homeless person you must come up with a plan to fix them, and that if they don’t want to be fixed they must not want help. I am only now beginning to realize that is never going to change. It is the approach that is used by almost every homeless service agency in this country. and it is the number one reason why they are failing.
after living so long on the streets and a life of interacting with hardly anyone but homeless people, I know that when people talk about a homeless person they believe doesn’t want help they are simply talking about someone who they have misunderstood, and when they say they don’t want help they are only saying they refuse to let anyone fix them. When the reality is the highest percentage of homeless people neither want or need to be fixed. What they do need and want is some compassion Love and understanding from their fellow Human Beings.
This should though It never maybe, the basis and the start point for anyone who desires to Help the Homeless.
There are people who claim to be Helping the Homeless, that I have seen make statements Like They are beyond repair, they cant be helped, I have and wouldn’t approach Him, I didn’t want to Shake His Hand He may have something, they are Just a Bum, They don’t want to better themselves. This too me is very disturbing and it disgust Me Personally , because it is representative and what most, short term homeless, formally homeless,and those who have never experienced homelessness, hold as a pervasive attitude. an attitude which has deeply entrenched itself in what these people choose to call the homeless help, or homeless services industry.
Do not misunderstand I do not truly fault them It is a bill of goods that they have been sold by an industry that thrives on the misfortune of others. Many people Jump into this fight and have for decades with the purist of intent they just want to help and they are drawn too and deceived by the profiteers of homeless What many call poverty Pimps, simply because they are the only ones who are funded and are capable of putting forth a public relations campaign which highlights their miniscule degree of success, and overshadows their failures.
The Grass root efforts which consist of small groups of people who only wish to meet peoples basic needs feeding them clothing them and building of Basic Human relationships with them do not have the funding or the ability to do the same, what these small Grass roots efforts do have is the drive to continue facing all odds and obstacles always looking for a way to help.
They continue to serve feeding people in their house in the backyard in parking lots and public parks suffering none to change to , But Just to come and partake of what little they have to help with! they are people from all walks of life who believe a Man is always worthy of a handshake or a Hug, and They know a woman who’s last Change of clothes was something someone threw away, is still lovable. They do not judge people too have a need to change, as a prerequisite to their compassion. They Just do what they Know is right for someone who is a part of, the brotherhood of Man.
I would only say Ask yourself before you call you’re self a Helper what do you believe? and Do you want to Help The Homeless Or the Industry? Are you Looking to Further Your Fellow Man Or The Cause?
If You feel it A need To fix People and Their Lives You also have Misunderstood. Just Love And Let The Spirit Do the Rest.
I am simply a man who lived Homeless on the streets for over 2 decades and Got seriously sick of others perception that in order to help a homeless person you must come up with a plan to fix them, and that if they don’t want to be fixed they must not want help. I am only now beginning to realize that is never going to change. It is the approach that is used by almost every homeless service agency in this country. and it is the number one reason why they are failing.
after living so long on the streets and a life of interacting with hardly anyone but homeless people, I know that when people talk about a homeless person they believe doesn’t want help they are simply talking about someone who they have misunderstood, and when they say they don’t want help they are only saying they refuse to let anyone fix them. When the reality is the highest percentage of homeless people neither want or need to be fixed. What they do need and want is some compassion Love and understanding from their fellow Human Beings.
This should though It never maybe, the basis and the start point for anyone who desires to Help the Homeless.
There are people who claim to be Helping the Homeless, that I have seen make statements Like They are beyond repair, they cant be helped, I have and wouldn’t approach Him, I didn’t want to Shake His Hand He may have something, they are Just a Bum, They don’t want to better themselves. This too me is very disturbing and it disgust Me Personally , because it is representative and what most, short term homeless, formally homeless,and those who have never experienced homelessness, hold as a pervasive attitude. an attitude which has deeply entrenched itself in what these people choose to call the homeless help, or homeless services industry.
Do not misunderstand I do not truly fault them It is a bill of goods that they have been sold by an industry that thrives on the misfortune of others. Many people Jump into this fight and have for decades with the purist of intent they just want to help and they are drawn too and deceived by the profiteers of homeless What many call poverty Pimps, simply because they are the only ones who are funded and are capable of putting forth a public relations campaign which highlights their miniscule degree of success, and overshadows their failures.
The Grass root efforts which consist of small groups of people who only wish to meet peoples basic needs feeding them clothing them and building of Basic Human relationships with them do not have the funding or the ability to do the same, what these small Grass roots efforts do have is the drive to continue facing all odds and obstacles always looking for a way to help.
They continue to serve feeding people in their house in the backyard in parking lots and public parks suffering none to change to , But Just to come and partake of what little they have to help with! they are people from all walks of life who believe a Man is always worthy of a handshake or a Hug, and They know a woman who’s last Change of clothes was something someone threw away, is still lovable. They do not judge people too have a need to change, as a prerequisite to their compassion. They Just do what they Know is right for someone who is a part of, the brotherhood of Man.
I would only say Ask yourself before you call you’re self a Helper what do you believe? and Do you want to Help The Homeless Or the Industry? Are you Looking to Further Your Fellow Man Or The Cause?
If You feel it A need To fix People and Their Lives You also have Misunderstood. Just Love And Let The Spirit Do the Rest.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
The new way to hate, Or so it seems
You can think what you Like Of Me And I am warned By others that I should Not engage with Others That are In denial of the truth. I have And will probably again Lose friends because of My tenacity for the truth and for Justice. I have always Been Honest with People. I have told everyone I was At one time in My life the Lowest of the Low. I Had If you read My Bio Fallen as far as a Man Could Fall, It is the truth Not Just something I say. I still have issue’s with Which I deal with on a daily Basis. But I can assure all of you this Even at the risk Of Hurting someone’s feelings I do Not Holdback when It comes to that which I believe To Be true.
I have said before Read and Find Out for yourself recently I posted a Post which elicited a Very Hateful Response from @hardlynormal and some of His followers Mark In kind responded To the Post with what I believe To be His same Old rhetoric He spouts to everyone who will listen In the avoidance of the truth! His response to me is Here and you yourselves can read it. I did not publish the Post for reasons of My Own.
I want to be clear, I went out on a limb and exposed myself on my last post I like so many could just sit back and say nothing, about someone who relies on peoples apathy to continue his charade which is portraying to the world he does more for the homeless than any other person on the planet, and the truth is he will help the homeless no matter what he has to do, too them, to do it!
I did However promise Mark I would Publish and address This response and this is that address to His response to my blog post last. Mark Horvath Makes a lot of damaging claims in His response. I would like to address them all and if I miss any please let me know as I will address them Also.
First In marks response He starts With a Blatant Lie misleading people to believe that I am without Honor stating I emailed Him that I would never do anything like this again referring to an exchange that went on from Aug 19 to Sept 27 from many post I wrote during that time on this blog, Nowhere in these post did I tell mark I was not going to engage in exposing Him for the fraud He was, and never did I e-mail Him to that effect either I at the end of that time apologized to everyone who had been subjected to our ranting's And this is the E-mail Mark received claiming to be included in the Post he listed as it had responders to it they will tell you it was an apology to all not to mark I did e-mailed Him this however

He was sent this message at the time of the open apology I posted on the internet to all who I had offended.
Please read it and Know This was From My heart as I was Vexed at that time because I had lost a long time supporter of This Homeless life; and Have only now began to get over that loss. It was For Her. I hope she Is well. And I Still Do not regret in any way speaking the truth in those Post and still stand behind everything I had written.
At the time I wrote this Post Greg Staffa Had not yet Compiled and Posted His Video Outing Mark As a exploiter of The Homeless. Mind you at that time I was the Object of His ranting’s and It was Me who had mental Issue’s some of you may remember this Because many of you who came back sometime latter and Told Me I wish I had listened to you before. Will remember .
My post that Made me The Madman Whom Mark Horvath said was Mentally Ill. Because I wanted People to follow the Money I had somewhere along this Time Lost My Heart to pursue This When I felt no one would Listen
Somewhere Along this time I encouraged Greg Staffa To No Longer Be silent and he made a video, thank you Greg now it’s you who is mentally Ill.
lets address that, in Marks response, mark has claimed Greg Staffa Has attacked and Hurt Children, His Sponsors, and people who work for His sponsors, youth Organizations, Medical Workers And Homeless People themselves wow that is some claim.
Wait question Here Why would if you claim someone to be mentally Ill would you encourage Your kool-aid Drinkers to attack them? My thoughts are it's an act Of desperation.
These Claims one must first understand are unfounded and simply rhetoric, to distract people from the truth of Greg’s video’s, the claims themselves have been discounted by sponsors organizations and yes the kid in question himself. Saying themselves to Greg things like we don’t feel like you Attacked us, everyone has a right to an opinion, I don’t feel like you attacked me, I’ve met Mark He’s a nice guy and I am sure you are to. But that does not Stop Mark From Attacking And lying and calling people terrorist and Hijackers, I do sympathize however because as I have said I fell as far as a man could fall and I recognize the actions of a desperate man, he is in great turmoil and beginning to reap that which he has sown as His world threatens to expose Him for the Bad decisions he Has made in the past with His filming of mentally ill women and sneaking pictures of children and giving people a woman’s name after she had asked him not to and now the fear of not being able to force her by threat to be silent, He doesn’t know what else to do but lash out and try to portray Himself as a victim, And as it is Greg staffa who speaks out or myself or anyone else we will be faced with His anger to keep His own unethical behavior all of this mans lies and ranting's he has never addressed one fact except to say my record speaks for itself, and others are saying we don’t care if you are helping people if your ethics leaves other’s in your wake.
Mark stated in His response that I have been screen capturing everything he has said for three years and it’s creepy, what’s creepy to me is, mark and I first encountered each other on the internet It was about a year and a half ago. because A homeless helper tweeted about handing out socks in the city he lived in, I told Him Bless you Brother you make A tramps “A” List Giving Him Socks!! and mark interjected himself into the conversation saying “anyone can hand out socks your doing nothing if your not trying to get people into homes” I will never forget it it was my first tweet to the great Mark Horvath, whom I a chronically homeless man had not heard of I looked at his bio and replied “for a man that claims to be the voice for us you don.t know shit, Socks are like Gold out here” He Now says That All the time referring to socks as Homeless Gold. And I say Praise God they are. I would Like to Point Out However That By Definition Interjecting your thoughts into a conversation In a public Domain to illicit an emotional response which is what He was doing, when we Met. Is the textbook definition of trolling which He now seems to have a problem With, and claims it to be vile and unethical, Yet we all Belong to a website built around trolling Welcome to twitter. Me I have Met over 50 Percent of My followers On twitter By interjecting Myself Into conversations about Homelessness. If that Makes Me a Troll so Be it I love My followers On twitter, and if we met by you trolling your way into my conversation I love you too.
And last but not least You can not Hijack a Hashtag they go out there into twitter and people use them If you are a Homeless Organization and want to create hashtags about Homeless Issues and not expect Homeless Or formally Homeless people to use that hashtag but reserve it for your function or Organization then You are part of the Problem as to why Homeless services are failing we don’t need people to give us a voice we have one Of Our own if you would Shut Up and listen to It !
You want to praise and claim social media helps the homeless yet you don’t want people who disagree with you to have that same advantage of social media, to use it if we hold a dissenting view or ask question’s unlike the homeless people whom you provided a voice for, rather than the voice we found on our own, you would like us to just go away, I for one will not if the people who have for decades failed the homeless can sing their own praises, I can sing their criticisms, the only one attacking anyone is you because I want people to see the truth and make informed decisions like I said in my last post.
If I missed anything about @hardlynormals response that you feel needs addressed let me know and I’ll Try and cover it.
I have said before Read and Find Out for yourself recently I posted a Post which elicited a Very Hateful Response from @hardlynormal and some of His followers Mark In kind responded To the Post with what I believe To be His same Old rhetoric He spouts to everyone who will listen In the avoidance of the truth! His response to me is Here and you yourselves can read it. I did not publish the Post for reasons of My Own.
I want to be clear, I went out on a limb and exposed myself on my last post I like so many could just sit back and say nothing, about someone who relies on peoples apathy to continue his charade which is portraying to the world he does more for the homeless than any other person on the planet, and the truth is he will help the homeless no matter what he has to do, too them, to do it!
I did However promise Mark I would Publish and address This response and this is that address to His response to my blog post last. Mark Horvath Makes a lot of damaging claims in His response. I would like to address them all and if I miss any please let me know as I will address them Also.
First In marks response He starts With a Blatant Lie misleading people to believe that I am without Honor stating I emailed Him that I would never do anything like this again referring to an exchange that went on from Aug 19 to Sept 27 from many post I wrote during that time on this blog, Nowhere in these post did I tell mark I was not going to engage in exposing Him for the fraud He was, and never did I e-mail Him to that effect either I at the end of that time apologized to everyone who had been subjected to our ranting's And this is the E-mail Mark received claiming to be included in the Post he listed as it had responders to it they will tell you it was an apology to all not to mark I did e-mailed Him this however
He was sent this message at the time of the open apology I posted on the internet to all who I had offended.
Please read it and Know This was From My heart as I was Vexed at that time because I had lost a long time supporter of This Homeless life; and Have only now began to get over that loss. It was For Her. I hope she Is well. And I Still Do not regret in any way speaking the truth in those Post and still stand behind everything I had written.
At the time I wrote this Post Greg Staffa Had not yet Compiled and Posted His Video Outing Mark As a exploiter of The Homeless. Mind you at that time I was the Object of His ranting’s and It was Me who had mental Issue’s some of you may remember this Because many of you who came back sometime latter and Told Me I wish I had listened to you before. Will remember .
My post that Made me The Madman Whom Mark Horvath said was Mentally Ill. Because I wanted People to follow the Money I had somewhere along this Time Lost My Heart to pursue This When I felt no one would Listen
Somewhere Along this time I encouraged Greg Staffa To No Longer Be silent and he made a video, thank you Greg now it’s you who is mentally Ill.
lets address that, in Marks response, mark has claimed Greg Staffa Has attacked and Hurt Children, His Sponsors, and people who work for His sponsors, youth Organizations, Medical Workers And Homeless People themselves wow that is some claim.
Wait question Here Why would if you claim someone to be mentally Ill would you encourage Your kool-aid Drinkers to attack them? My thoughts are it's an act Of desperation.
These Claims one must first understand are unfounded and simply rhetoric, to distract people from the truth of Greg’s video’s, the claims themselves have been discounted by sponsors organizations and yes the kid in question himself. Saying themselves to Greg things like we don’t feel like you Attacked us, everyone has a right to an opinion, I don’t feel like you attacked me, I’ve met Mark He’s a nice guy and I am sure you are to. But that does not Stop Mark From Attacking And lying and calling people terrorist and Hijackers, I do sympathize however because as I have said I fell as far as a man could fall and I recognize the actions of a desperate man, he is in great turmoil and beginning to reap that which he has sown as His world threatens to expose Him for the Bad decisions he Has made in the past with His filming of mentally ill women and sneaking pictures of children and giving people a woman’s name after she had asked him not to and now the fear of not being able to force her by threat to be silent, He doesn’t know what else to do but lash out and try to portray Himself as a victim, And as it is Greg staffa who speaks out or myself or anyone else we will be faced with His anger to keep His own unethical behavior all of this mans lies and ranting's he has never addressed one fact except to say my record speaks for itself, and others are saying we don’t care if you are helping people if your ethics leaves other’s in your wake.
Mark stated in His response that I have been screen capturing everything he has said for three years and it’s creepy, what’s creepy to me is, mark and I first encountered each other on the internet It was about a year and a half ago. because A homeless helper tweeted about handing out socks in the city he lived in, I told Him Bless you Brother you make A tramps “A” List Giving Him Socks!! and mark interjected himself into the conversation saying “anyone can hand out socks your doing nothing if your not trying to get people into homes” I will never forget it it was my first tweet to the great Mark Horvath, whom I a chronically homeless man had not heard of I looked at his bio and replied “for a man that claims to be the voice for us you don.t know shit, Socks are like Gold out here” He Now says That All the time referring to socks as Homeless Gold. And I say Praise God they are. I would Like to Point Out However That By Definition Interjecting your thoughts into a conversation In a public Domain to illicit an emotional response which is what He was doing, when we Met. Is the textbook definition of trolling which He now seems to have a problem With, and claims it to be vile and unethical, Yet we all Belong to a website built around trolling Welcome to twitter. Me I have Met over 50 Percent of My followers On twitter By interjecting Myself Into conversations about Homelessness. If that Makes Me a Troll so Be it I love My followers On twitter, and if we met by you trolling your way into my conversation I love you too.
And last but not least You can not Hijack a Hashtag they go out there into twitter and people use them If you are a Homeless Organization and want to create hashtags about Homeless Issues and not expect Homeless Or formally Homeless people to use that hashtag but reserve it for your function or Organization then You are part of the Problem as to why Homeless services are failing we don’t need people to give us a voice we have one Of Our own if you would Shut Up and listen to It !
You want to praise and claim social media helps the homeless yet you don’t want people who disagree with you to have that same advantage of social media, to use it if we hold a dissenting view or ask question’s unlike the homeless people whom you provided a voice for, rather than the voice we found on our own, you would like us to just go away, I for one will not if the people who have for decades failed the homeless can sing their own praises, I can sing their criticisms, the only one attacking anyone is you because I want people to see the truth and make informed decisions like I said in my last post.
If I missed anything about @hardlynormals response that you feel needs addressed let me know and I’ll Try and cover it.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Choice !
There are Always In this Life Choices, On this I believe All People across All cultures Weather they Be Racial, Religious, Political, Gender Or any other line That Make up the diversity Of the Human Race. I would Say Myself And from What Little Learning And Education I do Have The Only Bad Choices we really have Are one’s That Are Made With Bad Judgment Or while Being Ill Informed.
This Is what I would Like To Speak too, Ill Informed Decisions, As I have for the Last couple Of days seen Many people Make Ill Informed Decisions Based On Their Heart Or compassion On the subject Of Homelessness And It is something that Over the Last year + I have watched While being Engaged with People On social Media Such as Twitter, Facebook, Blogger,Google+, and Others All to often.
While presented with Facts and blinded by compassion and the feeling of loyalty to a Cause The truth Is often Ignored and The facts Get discarded for what We believe is right.
I have A friend Greg Staffa who Some May Know As @StaffaRoadTrip, @Homelessdefend, Or Just Greg. He has Made A video Presenting People with the Facts and simply The Facts Out of His Desire For Justice, And His will To strike Back At what He perceives as Injustice. And Because He is A friend I stand Behind His Passion Because He is Doing It seeing That There Is Something Going On that Is Just Not right In His eye’s and the eye’s of those that care to look.
Many of you may read this and say He is Defending Greg Because Greg Is a friend Greg Himself would Tell you Joseph Has no Problem Telling you If He disagrees with You.
I first meet Greg While I was Living On the streets In Oregon I was Introduced to Greg By a Friend Who Had told Me He was traveling around the country Doing a 48state Capitol Road trip To bring awareness to Homelessness. My First Response was What people aren’t aware? I Tweeted Back and forth with Greg with Greg and He was Honest with Me I told Him My friend said to talk to him and I could Use some socks I have to admit that My interest Was Peaked I had to meet a man traveling around Handing out socks to bring awareness to homelessness in 48 states.
I met Greg That Evening He showed Up At the Military Recruiting station I was hanging out at In a small strip mall In Oregon, and not only did He have Socks He Had Hot Chocolate and as It was the first Of Many Bitter cold days we were to have it was Most welcome, What truly Impressed Me With @StaffaRoadTrip was before We parted ways He went to His car and He dug Out a sleeping bag and turned to me and said Here You are gonna need this It is Gonna Get cold! I said is this the only sleeping bag you have Because of my concern that He had said he was sleeping in His car but He was adamant on Me taking it simply saying I Have a car I can always just start it and turn on the Heat. Well Greg and I are Now Close friends We are now both off of the streets Thanks to a couple of beautiful People In Minnesota Who have Give us a Place to Live and A little work and an opportunity to regain a foothold On life. It is Thanks Be first To God And Than To The tool of social Media.
I would Like too encourage all to Go to Gregs Link which He recently Posted On Social Media Using the Hashtag #Naeh12, and View the Blog Post of I ask you to do so with an open Heart and Mind and actually see the chain Of events that Has led Greg To Call attention to the abuse That is and has been perpetrated By The voice Of the Homeless. I would Also Like For people reading His Blog post to set aside there Feelings Of Loyalty or dedication To A cause And Think Of The Impact Of what Is being said In the Videos
Mark Horvath Calls Homeless Terrorist , Empower Or Exploit As you read the Blog and view the video’s Ask yourself Have you or do you care to make informed decisions, Because either ways You do so By choice, I Made the choice some month’s ago To have A get in your face attitude with Greg Staffa Because I felt He was standing in the shadows waiting for something to happen and what he really needed to do was take a stand And I encouraged Him in doing so. And I now stand behind Him In His decision to no longer allow what He feels to be injustice go without notice And I stand with all of you who decide to By choice Stand Or Not against injustice.
And On a Personal Note as I know that posting these video’s and reaching out to #Naeh12 participants, Was not the Hijacking of a Hashtag It was A homeless man Giving His Opinion in the platform of social Media on A ending Homelessness event and A homeless Person More so Than Most has a Claim To this Hashtag Because It is The one opinion That needs Be listened To and the Organizations That Participate in these events Need To start listening to the concerns of all homeless people not Just the one’s who they have Furthered along for the betterment of their cause. And the People who blindly follow These people claiming to help the homeless who decide to attack homeless people who have an opinion about the one’s you choose to help us, If we are not allowed that opinion freely you need to go back to your crystal towers, and allow us our opinion we don’t really need your help if our opinions don’t matter.
And Here’s my opinion

I guess the respect stops with the camera’s as you sent many tweets this week attacking someone for making a video and approximately 6 tweets and showed encouragement to your kool-aid drinkers why they to attacked Him and after 2days worth of degrading tweets none of which at anytime addressed the claims of you exploiting and taking advantage of the Homeless all just trying to discredit the truth he presents then laid to the claim.

That this person Is Mentally Ill to further Your cause Of blinding people to the truth’s that you in every case of being called on have fought with this rhetoric. It Is you who people are beginning to see through when presented with the truth!

And The Homeless cant afford another Empire Built on their Backs!!!!
The rest of you have to make yours. Much Love Joseph2Dogs!
This Is what I would Like To Speak too, Ill Informed Decisions, As I have for the Last couple Of days seen Many people Make Ill Informed Decisions Based On Their Heart Or compassion On the subject Of Homelessness And It is something that Over the Last year + I have watched While being Engaged with People On social Media Such as Twitter, Facebook, Blogger,Google+, and Others All to often.
While presented with Facts and blinded by compassion and the feeling of loyalty to a Cause The truth Is often Ignored and The facts Get discarded for what We believe is right.
I have A friend Greg Staffa who Some May Know As @StaffaRoadTrip, @Homelessdefend, Or Just Greg. He has Made A video Presenting People with the Facts and simply The Facts Out of His Desire For Justice, And His will To strike Back At what He perceives as Injustice. And Because He is A friend I stand Behind His Passion Because He is Doing It seeing That There Is Something Going On that Is Just Not right In His eye’s and the eye’s of those that care to look.
Many of you may read this and say He is Defending Greg Because Greg Is a friend Greg Himself would Tell you Joseph Has no Problem Telling you If He disagrees with You.
I first meet Greg While I was Living On the streets In Oregon I was Introduced to Greg By a Friend Who Had told Me He was traveling around the country Doing a 48state Capitol Road trip To bring awareness to Homelessness. My First Response was What people aren’t aware? I Tweeted Back and forth with Greg with Greg and He was Honest with Me I told Him My friend said to talk to him and I could Use some socks I have to admit that My interest Was Peaked I had to meet a man traveling around Handing out socks to bring awareness to homelessness in 48 states.
I met Greg That Evening He showed Up At the Military Recruiting station I was hanging out at In a small strip mall In Oregon, and not only did He have Socks He Had Hot Chocolate and as It was the first Of Many Bitter cold days we were to have it was Most welcome, What truly Impressed Me With @StaffaRoadTrip was before We parted ways He went to His car and He dug Out a sleeping bag and turned to me and said Here You are gonna need this It is Gonna Get cold! I said is this the only sleeping bag you have Because of my concern that He had said he was sleeping in His car but He was adamant on Me taking it simply saying I Have a car I can always just start it and turn on the Heat. Well Greg and I are Now Close friends We are now both off of the streets Thanks to a couple of beautiful People In Minnesota Who have Give us a Place to Live and A little work and an opportunity to regain a foothold On life. It is Thanks Be first To God And Than To The tool of social Media.
I would Like too encourage all to Go to Gregs Link which He recently Posted On Social Media Using the Hashtag #Naeh12, and View the Blog Post of I ask you to do so with an open Heart and Mind and actually see the chain Of events that Has led Greg To Call attention to the abuse That is and has been perpetrated By The voice Of the Homeless. I would Also Like For people reading His Blog post to set aside there Feelings Of Loyalty or dedication To A cause And Think Of The Impact Of what Is being said In the Videos
Mark Horvath Calls Homeless Terrorist , Empower Or Exploit As you read the Blog and view the video’s Ask yourself Have you or do you care to make informed decisions, Because either ways You do so By choice, I Made the choice some month’s ago To have A get in your face attitude with Greg Staffa Because I felt He was standing in the shadows waiting for something to happen and what he really needed to do was take a stand And I encouraged Him in doing so. And I now stand behind Him In His decision to no longer allow what He feels to be injustice go without notice And I stand with all of you who decide to By choice Stand Or Not against injustice.
And On a Personal Note as I know that posting these video’s and reaching out to #Naeh12 participants, Was not the Hijacking of a Hashtag It was A homeless man Giving His Opinion in the platform of social Media on A ending Homelessness event and A homeless Person More so Than Most has a Claim To this Hashtag Because It is The one opinion That needs Be listened To and the Organizations That Participate in these events Need To start listening to the concerns of all homeless people not Just the one’s who they have Furthered along for the betterment of their cause. And the People who blindly follow These people claiming to help the homeless who decide to attack homeless people who have an opinion about the one’s you choose to help us, If we are not allowed that opinion freely you need to go back to your crystal towers, and allow us our opinion we don’t really need your help if our opinions don’t matter.
And Here’s my opinion
I guess the respect stops with the camera’s as you sent many tweets this week attacking someone for making a video and approximately 6 tweets and showed encouragement to your kool-aid drinkers why they to attacked Him and after 2days worth of degrading tweets none of which at anytime addressed the claims of you exploiting and taking advantage of the Homeless all just trying to discredit the truth he presents then laid to the claim.
That this person Is Mentally Ill to further Your cause Of blinding people to the truth’s that you in every case of being called on have fought with this rhetoric. It Is you who people are beginning to see through when presented with the truth!
And The Homeless cant afford another Empire Built on their Backs!!!!
The rest of you have to make yours. Much Love Joseph2Dogs!
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