Men can only be equal on the Day we are all Equal,

"the truth is not always Beautiful, nor beautiful Words the truth"

Lao Tzu

“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.”

Albert Pine

Monday, September 19, 2011

A voice Of My Own!

Today in this country the leading homeless advocate, is A man claiming to give a voice to the Homeless community, Nothing could be farther from the truth in that I lay claim to having now and having always Had My very own voice, It is Just that it being the voice of a man who has been on the streets of this country for a combined total of over 2 decades one that is often discounted, and one that can by others easily be discredited or discounted for the sake of convenience, It is however Mine and not something given to me by others.It is only now and by the wonder of social media That I am able to express the voice I have in a broader range, If you talk to anyone That personally knows Me they will tell you expressing My opinion has never been a weakness of mine, that being said I would like to express it now.
I ask that before you read the following that it is detailed in great length, as to what I believe is wrong with the system of help offered unto the homeless. and The example I am using is because of recent personal correspondence that I have Had with the self proclaimed #1 homeless advocate in this country.
I wrote to Mark Horvath explaining my true feelings about his work, and explaining it was not him it was merely his approach which I was concerned with, and it was Him being embedded in an already failed system. it was a lengthy e-mail as I said I have no problem expressing my opinion.
His response was lets say expected but not hoped for, he simply replied thank you “ I agree with you. The system is broken. But real change happens when you work with people instead of against them.   I am 200% about helping our homeless friends get off the streets into housing that has support for all their needs. I work very hard to change the broken system.”
the thing that bothered me most about this reply was not the hint of I am going to continue to work with these organizations but the fact He said 200% which lends itself to the belief that this person believes He does 100% more than others possibly could do, And this is still troubling to me, as I know people who have given there very lives in the service of others and never received praise for it and are far more deserving.
The next response I received from Mark Horvath was in response I had made to a fellow homeless twitterer, @from-nothing Or revolution MacInnis,

 @From_Nothing I thank the God you dont believe in, nobody ever listens to you because of that last tweet
“There's one person everyone on@twitter should follow. He's changing the world for the better @hardlynormal "
we have always had this normal form of banter as we differ on faith but long ago found a common ground and respect for one another.
included in Marks e-mail to me was also the statement, @From_Nothing response to you is spot on. You're a Christian, yet you continue mean spirited attacks. Where is the good witness in that?”
in response to our conversation where Rev said to me,@Joseph2dogs So your god approves of such mean spirited tweets? If so your gods an asshole Joseph, you might want to find a new one!
Mark then went on to falsely accuse me of making things Up and spreading lies about him all over the internet, and went into great detail about his problems as late of others and there doing the same He believes it to be some great conspiracy making it possible to live in the denial of there being an awakening of people who are seeing things for what they are.
when confronted with this accusation of me spreading lies I then e-mailed mark that I had a copy of His tax forms and nothing could be farther from the truth,I also explained that His repeated statement of making nothing from His efforts and living a life of 200% sacrifice was a deception that he indeed made money from His efforts.
His reply to me was this.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I am always honest and I told the truth.
My tax records are public knowledge and I have nothing to hide

$6k was for health insurance and rent. It was not an income, but
listed as such by our accountant.  I had to write the checks to my
landlord and to health insurance from my personal account, which is
why it was listed this way. I have receipts for both rent and health
care payments.

Even if it was income, which it was not, $6k for a years work is
hardly anything you'd call abuse!

The income came from a $50k Pepsi grant. $25k was for the road trip
and $13k ended up being travel expenses.

now I don’t know about you but if you are paying for Rent travel expense and health care and food anywhere you are dipping into company funds or it is part of a salary? Just my thoughts which I think I made clear in my next correspondence with Him.
It is either that or your ass should be sharing a room with Bernie Madoff, I am at a loss as to which. However I digress you make the call on that. His response to me over this the next correspondence again was no surprise.

Love ya Bro
But your arguments makes no sense at all
are you saying I should take up a bed in a homeless shelter? maybe
that I should live in my car? are you saying that I should be homeless
does a cancer doctor have to have cancer to help a cancer patient? a
person helping blind people have to be blind? that no one helping
hurting people should be paid?
Out of all the "homeless advocates" you know, I am the only one that
has had any impact in ending homelessness and getting people off the
street into housing!

I am Both appalled and sickened that someone with this attitude has risen to such a state and praised by so many who themselves are unwilling to look at the facts of what is going on as to the why of nothing being done for the homeless , It is clearly an open abuse of the failed system so yes maybe we should just be willing to look the other way as people to continue to jump into the arena of helping the homeless and get theirs while the homeless people of this country continue to suffer, I however will not look the other way I will look at what is and what is is allowing people to continue to perish.   
the following link are to the copies of the original E-mails In there fullness, can as the post only hint to the heart of the matter I have linked the e-mails in a stand alone page for anyone’s reading along with the tax forms from this non-profit

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